Staunton Spectator: December 05, 1865Go To Page : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |
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The Future of the South
(Column 05)Summary: Argues that "there is a hopeful future for the South," but only if the South "can reassert some of her former spirit" instead of "yielding unconditional obedience" to injustices like the test-oath.
Trailer: Edward A. Pollard
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(Column 03)Summary: Emma Hanger, of Augusta, and J. P. Daniels were married by Rev. Walker.Married
(Names in announcement: Rev. Walker, J. Daniels, Emma Hanger, R. Hanger)
(Column 03)Summary: Lucy Hoye and Daniel Shott were married on November 23 by Rev. R. Smith.Married
(Names in announcement: Rev. R. Smith, Daniel Shott, Lucy Hoye)
(Column 03)Summary: Martha Panner and John White were married on November 16 by the Rev. J. C. Dice.Married
(Names in announcement: Rev. J. C. Dice, John White, Martha Panner)
(Column 03)Summary: On November 23 the Rev. J. C. Dice joined Columbus Vines and Barbara Brooks in marriage.Married
(Names in announcement: Rev. J. C. Dice, Columbus Vines, Barbara Brooks)
(Column 03)Summary: Robert Powers and Rachel Rusmisel were married by the Rev. J. C. Dice on November 30.Married
(Names in announcement: Rev. J. Dice, Robert Powers, Rachel Rusmisel)
(Column 03)Summary: Mary Craddock and G. P. Scherer were married on November 30 by Rev. Bixio.Married
(Names in announcement: Rev. Bixio, G. P. Scherer, Mary Craddock)
(Column 03)Summary: Lizzie Armentrout and H. H. Peck were married on November 30 by the Rev. H. A. Gaver.Married
(Names in announcement: Rev. H. H. Gaver, H. A. Peck, Lizzie Armentrout)
(Column 03)Summary: Mattie Smith and Joseph Merriken were married on November 30 by the Rev. W. E. Baker.Married
(Names in announcement: Rev. W. Baker, Joseph Merriken, Mattie Smith)
(Column 03)Summary: On December 4, William Simpson, formerly of Staunton, married Maggie Nalls in Alexandria.Died
(Names in announcement: Rev. C. Bitting, William Simpson, Maggie Nalls)
(Column 03)Summary: George Koiner died on November 25 at his residence near Fishersville. He was 78.Died
(Names in announcement: George Koiner)
(Column 03)Summary: Samuel Kerr, eulogized as "one of the best citizens of the county," died of "erysipelas, preceded by other painful diseases" on November 9. He was 63.
(Names in announcement: Samuel Kerr)
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(Column 02)Summary: Encourages readers to spend next Thursday, in accordance with President Johnson's Proclamation of Thanksgiving, "giving thanks to the great Creator for his many blessings."Local--Tribute of Respect
(Column 02)Summary: Resolutions of a meeting of the Staunton Bar, lamenting the recent death of Chapman Johnson.Local--The Valley Virginian
(Names in announcement: David Fultz, Alex Cochran, Hugh Sheffey, Chapman Johnson, William Burnett)
(Column 02)Summary: Offers measured praise for the first issue of the Valley Virginian and expresses the hope that it will be "liberally patronized by the people of this great Valley."
(Names in announcement: A. M. GarberJr.)
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