Staunton Spectator: July 21, 1868Go To Page : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |
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Eastern Lunatic Asylum
(Column 01)Summary: The article supports the Eastern Lunatic Asylum and extols the virtues of Staunton's own Western Lunatic Asylum.
Full Text of Article:Awake! Arise! or be Forever Fallen!We are happy to learn that the Eastern Lunatic Asylum is again becoming what it was in the day of the lamented Galt. The management of this Institution, if we remember rightly, caused one or more investigations to be made by committees of the last Legislature of Virginia, which terminated in the removal of the entire Board of Directors by Gov. Pierpont, who requested the military authorities to take charge of the Institution.
General Schofield appointed, last January, a mixed Board of military and civil gentlemen; who appear, since they assumed charge, to have been actuated only by a desire to do justice to the State, and not to the unfortunate inmates of the Institution. They elected an entire new set of officers, who, we are gratified to find, are all native Virginians; and we are happy to learn that in these elections, no political or personal consideration actuated the Board.
The present superintendent, Dr. A.E. Peticolas, though personally unknown, save to a single member of the Board, was unanimously elected, and the Institution placed under his management. The result has proven the wisdom of the re-election; for a late visitor states that the neat and cleanly appearance of the place reminds him of the days of Galt. The walks have been again shelled--the building painted--the patients neatly dressed, and the diet improved in quantity and quality. The Gas house and laundry, so long abandoned, will soon be in operation; and a bowling alley and billiard room will be added for the amusement of the patients. The drainage, which has been neglected for many years, will be commenced as soon as the funds will permit. There has been no extra appropriation for repairs; the improvements, being carried on entirely by the usual annual appropriation for the support of the Institution. Dr. Peticolas, we learn, has been ordered by the Board of Directors to visit Staunton, and consult with Dr. Stribling upon various points of management and discipline.
We sincerely hope that no political or partizan spirit, will again be brought to bear against this useful Institution, to the detriment of the poor unfortunates to whom the State has ever acted with generosity.
Our own institution which has acquired an enviable reputation under the management of its present faithful and efficient officers, is a striking example of the advantages which result from looking to capacity and merit apart from all political considerations in making appointments to office.
(Column 01)Summary: Editorial quoting from the Norfolk Virginian and the Richmond Enquirer. Argues that Virginians should unite to defeat the Constitution in August.
Full Text of Article:Be ReadyOur friend Jas. Barron Hope, of the Norfolk Virginian, properly appreciates the crisis, and speaks truly, energetically, and patriotically -- He says, "we stand face to face with the hideous problem of Negro Supremacy. We must look at it fairly and without winking. We must realize that
"Now's the day and now's the hour"
for us to assert our ancient renown, or sink into a condition whose subject misery no fancy can depict.Every consideration of interest, every suggestion of the instinct of self-preservation, every inspiration of honor, unite in calling upon us to be true to ourselves and State in this grave emergency.
Interest tells us that the new constitution would be inaugurated by an expenditure equal to one-third of our State debt; and in view of this fact let every man of substance in the Commonwealth ask himself where he is to get this money to pay for a multitude of scallawag, carpet-bag and negro officers.
Where A. B. pays one dollar tax to the State he would pay ten, direct and indirect, at the least; and this would bankrupt our people.
The most sordid man in our midst must be alive to this consideration, and, unless an idiot, will resolve to vote down the constitution which would impose upon him taxes too enormous to be borne.
The instinct of self-preservation alone warns us against the pending constitution -- with mixed schools, negro equality in church and theatre, railroad and steamboat; negro magistrates, negro police, negro administrators on estates, and negro guardians for white orphans.
There can be but one of two results -- a war of races or the absolute degradation of the white race. If, then, you have a white skin and a manly temper turn out and vote down the infamous constitution.
But, above all other impulses, the sentiment of honor should impel the people of Virginia to repudiate this abominable instrument with one voice.
Think of it, fellow-citizens! You live on soil famous for the first Anglo-Saxon settlement on this continent -- the soil on which the final victory of the Revolution was fought; the soil rich in the blood of Stonewall Jackson and thousands of unknown heroes; the soil which gave birth to the greatest men who have ever adorned the history of our race; and now, oh Brothers! shall we sink below the level of our former slaves!
By the ashes of the illustrious dead and the hopes of the living, we implore you to come forward and do your duty!"
Do you wish to hand your name down to undying infamy, to be despised while living and disgraced after death by all true men? If not -- VOTE AGAINST THE CONSTITUTION.
We commence "the last heat" of the political race, says the Enquirer, under the most encouraging circumstances. A wonderful change has taken place in the temper of our people since the adjournment of the Conservative Convention in Virginia. They are now full of hope and spirit. Apathy and despair no longer oppress them, and they are anxious for a trial of strength with that mob of negroes, renegades, scallawags, and carpet-baggers who are seeking the ruin of the State.
Until the election is over and our vile opponents are routed, there is work for every decent man in Virginia to perform. There is a post of honor in the great army of the white man's party for every one who will do his duty -- there is radiant honor for all who labor to maintain the supremacy of the white race -- and black disgrace and deserved infamy for all who falter, or desert their posts.
The vote upon the infamous work of the incendiaries and brutal negroes, who for three months polluted our State capitol, will be given after the adjournment of Congress, and before that body assembles in December next. The blow, therefore, which will prostrate the atrocious "Constitution" in August will utterly crush and annihilate it. It will completely and forever rid the people of Virginia of its loathsome presence. It will "fall amid its worshippers" never to revive, for we are cheered by the most encouraging indications that after the next Presidential election the Radical party will have neither the courage nor the power to preserve in its designs against the liberties of the white race in the Southern States. It will simply be necessary for our people to do their duty and they will win a victory the salutatory effects of which will be felt for centuries.
By defeating the "Constitution" we shall keep the State in its present condition as "a conquered province," and thus avoid all those embarrassing complications which surround the question of reconstruction in those States where the Radicals have triumphed. Nothing is more certain than that by the time Congress meets in December either the Supreme Court will have announced its decision in the McArdle case, pronouncing the reconstruction law unconstitutional, or the Democrats will have won a great national victory which will sweep our enemies from power. The defeat of "the Constitution" is, therefore, the greatest blessing which can befall us.
(Column 02)Summary: The Lynchburg News reports that the people of Virginia will soon be called upon to defeat the state Constitution and urges all true Virginians to work earnestly for that end.
Full Text of Article:Appropriation to the D. D. and Blind InstitutionThe people of Virginia will be called upon, in a short time, says the Lynchburg News, to vote upon the infamous constitution proposed by the recent Convention of scallawags in this State. With all earnestness, we would urge white men in every neighborhood to so arrange their matters that they may devote the three days set apart for the vote, entirely and exclusively to the great work of defeating this vile abomination.
The issues made are of a momentous character, the interests involved are of surpassing magnitude, and we should lay hold of the great work with an energy that shall defy defeat.--Let every man see that every other man in his vicinity is at the polls.
Stop the plow, the hoe, and the cart, and hitch up your horses, and if necessary your oxen, and have them at the command of those who have none. Better, men of Virginia! lose your crops, aye, every thing, than let the galling yoke be placed upon your necks. All that is dear to you and your children is at stake. Great God! Is this good old Commonwealth, the mother of statesmen and heroes, the birth place of a Washington, a Jefferson, a Madison, a Marshall, and a host of others whose names are as imperishable as time itself, to be given over to the miserable herd of ignorant, depraved and God forsaken men, whose iron-clad souls are impervious to every appeal of honor, justice and right? Men of Virginia! vindicate the bright character you and your fathers before you ever maintained, when honor and right were assailed. Rise up in your might, and trample in the dust this vile offspring of the blood-thirsty hounds who are eager to deprive you of your birth-right, and consign you to an infamy which will render life itself a curse.
(Column 02)Summary: Colonel Simmons, commanding First Military District, directed the Auditor of Public Accounts to advance $5,000 next quarter for the support of Staunton's Deaf, Dumb, and Blind Institution. The institution spent $25,000 appropriated by the legislature when it housed 80 patients. It now supports 125.A Sensible Suggestion
(Column 03)Summary: The paper endorses the call of the Norfolk Virginian to place two observers from each party at polling places to prevent election fraud.[No Title]
(Column 03)Summary: The paper urges all conservatives to be sure they are registered, and to double-check that friends and neighbors are registered as well. "Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty. Then be vigilant, active and watchful, and the scallawag constitution will be voted down by an overwhelming majority."Staunton
(Column 04)Summary: An article from the Native Virginian, which notes that the people of Staunton were unified by the onset of the Civil War, and that by maintaining this unity her people have been able to remain prosperous, unlike many other areas in the State.
Full Text of Article:Ten or twelve years ago Staunton was in a state of discord. Political and religious dissensions had invaded the business and even the social circles. There was no harmony, no co-operation. At the outbreaking of the war, the people were drawn together. A new order of things was initiated. This has been kept up since the war. Once a week, regularly, the ministers of the various denominations meet together for brotherly discourse and the advancement of beneficent measures. The congregations have followed the Christian example of their pastors. Harmony is restored. Families interchange visits. Business men co-operate. Every one has the good will of the town and of each other at heart. The choirs of the different churches meet regularly and are taught by a master of music. Hence such church music as you hear in no other town in the State. Hence a friendly, healthful spirit, which pervades the very atmosphere. This is the great secret of the prosperity and advancement of Staunton, while other towns are languishing. Let us imitate Staunton, and we will share her prosperity and her happiness. -- Native Virginian.
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[No Title]
(Column 01)Summary: During the past weeks the remains of more than 20 soldiers killed at the battle of McDowell, Highland County, have been gathered and brought to Staunton, where they were buried in the soldiers' cemetery. Their identities are all unknown.Important Change
(Column 01)Summary: The Staunton Gas Light Company have reached an arrangement with the patentees of Petroleo-Calcium Gas. The new light source is superior to coal or rosin gas and will be available in town on August 1st. It will greatly reduce the cost of light.[No Title]
(Column 01)Summary: The paper endorses the excellent teaching qualifications of C. E. Young, principal of the Staunton Male Academy.[No Title]
(Names in announcement: C. E. Young)
(Column 01)Summary: The paper encourages citizens to see the directors of the Virginia Insurance Company to subscribe to its stock at $25 a share.Dinner and Refreshments
(Names in announcement: H. M. Bell, John Towberman, John Wayt, S. Paul, William L. Mowry, F. M. Young, B. F. Points, E. W. Bayly, J. Wayt Bell, T. A. Bledsoe, Dr. B. B. Donaghe, William H. Tams)
(Column 01)Summary: The Soldiers' Memorial Committee of Augusta will hold a dinner in an effort to "have the odium of neglect and indifference to the memory of our brave fallen soldiers removed from our county." Half the proceeds will go to the Memorial Fund and half to support the widows and orphans of the county.Marriages
(Column 04)Summary: Robert F. Misner and Mrs. Sarah Misner, both of Augusta, were married on July 16th at the Staunton County Clerk's Office by the Rev. William A. Harris.Deaths
(Names in announcement: Robert F. Misner, Mrs. Sarah Misner, Rev. William A. Harris)
(Column 04)Summary: George M. Baker died in Staunton on July 13th in the house of his father-in-law, Mr. George A. Armentrout. He was 28 years old. "The subject of this notice was a member of the Episcopal church, a good man, a kind and gentle husband and parent, and beloved by all who knew him. In the Fall of 1866, he removed to Waco, Texas where he expected to reside, and remained there about eight months. His health failing him, he returned to his relatives and friends in Staunton. He had been confined to his room nearly ever since his return and endured intense suffering from dyspepsia, with the most unmurmuring patience and christian fortitude. He leaves a wife, one small child, and a large circle of friends to mourn their loss."
(Names in announcement: George M. Baker, George A. Armentrout)
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