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Staunton Spectator: September 29, 1868

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-Page 01-

[No Title]
(Column 06)
Summary: "A Visitor" writes to the Spectator with an account of a picnic at Moscow. A large number of Mossy Creek Scholars proceeded from the School House under the charge of Capt. Curtis to hear music directed by F. B. Carson, listen to an address by the Rev. J. J. Pinkerton, and enjoy a feast.
(Names in announcement: Capt. Curtis, F. B. Carson, Rev. J. J. Pinkerton)

-Page 02-

Good County Roads Needed
(Column 01)
Summary: The editors believe that good county roads will be one of the surest ways to further improve Augusta county. They suggest that a system that employs two workers consistently maintaining the roads would be a more effective method of maintenance than a system by which farmers are called out periodically in large numbers.
Full Text of Article:

As we have said on a former occasion, we believe that this healthful, fertile, and beautiful Valley of Virginia, take it all in all, is the finest portion of the United States, and Augusta county is the heart of the Valley. There is but one thing needed in this good old country to make it the most desirable to live in, and that is good county roads. Money and labor could not be more profitably expended than in improving the county roads. We do not mean one or two, but all the roads in the county. Every road should be made a good road, and should be kept continually in that condition.-- It will require a great deal of labor to make them as they should be made, but when once properly made, it will not involve much expense or labor to keep them in good condition, if the proper system be adopted. A few reliable men who understand the business should be kept constantly employed upon each road, whose duty it should be to keep the road in good condition by keeping the ditches on both sides of the road open, and keeping the road well filled in the centre so that the water would run off the sides into the ditches instead of running in the direction of the road and washing gullies in it.

The system of calling men out "semi-occasionally" to "work the roads," as it is called, will never secure good roads. They will never work long enough to put the roads in good condition, and if they did, they would not be kept so, for months would elapse before any more work upon them would be done, and by that time there would be as many gullies and mudholes, and the ditches as much filled up as before, and consequently as much labor as before would be required. There is nothing to which the aphorism -- "A stitch in time saves nine" -- is more applicable than to roads. In keeping roads in proper repair, a lick in time saves ninety and nine.

Two reliable laborers constantly repairing the road would keep it in better condition than the hundreds called from their farms once or twice a year to "work the road." It would be better to levy a tax or raise a fund to be appropriated to the employment of hands to be kept constantly upon the roads, and who would be responsible for their condition.

It would add 25 per cent to the value of the farms in this county, if all the county roads were made good and kept in proper condition. The wear and tear of buggies, carriages and wagons would be much less, and the farmers could haul heavier loads to market and in shorter time -- thus saving a hundred times as much as their proportion of the tax (which would be small,) and at the same time escape the annoyance of being called out with all their hands to work the roads at a time, probably, when they are much needed on the farm. We throw out these hurried suggestions this week for the consideration of our farmers and others.

We may recur to this subject again, as we deem it one of great importance to the interest of all our citizens.

We should be pleased to receive the written views of our intelligent farmers upon this subject, whether they concur with ours or not.

Not a Congress
(Column 01)
Summary: The Richmond Whig charges Congress with violating the Constitution by calling a session without a full quorum.
Full Text of Article:

A fatality, says the Richmond Whig, seems to pursue the Radical Congress. Everything it does has a trick in it. At best it is regarded as illegitimate, by reason of being but a fractional and sectional body, but to make the matter even worse, less than a quorum undertook to do what only a quorum could properly and lawfully do -- order a called session.

The Constitution provides that "a majority of each (House) shall constitute a quorum to do business; but a smaller number may adjourn from day to day, and may be authorized to compel the attendance of absent members," &c.

Less than a quorum adjourned, not "from day to day," but to the 16th of October. There was a quorum of the Senate, but not of the House, and leaving out of view the provision of the Constitution, it is to be borne in mind that the terms of the resolution making contingent provision for the meeting of Congress was itself violated, but under that resolution there was to be no session unless a quorum of both Houses should be present. What a lawless! What tricks and what tricks-setters! Such is the body that legislates for forty millions of people who call themselves free and boast of a Constitution and laws.

The Disturbances in the South
(Column 01)
Summary: The Baltimore Gazette claims that the disturbances and riots taking place in the South are caused by Radicals seeking to win the Presidential election by frightening the North.
Full Text of Article:

The frequent riots and disturbances in the South of late, says the Baltimore Gazette, are not without significance. They form a part of the Radical programme by which it is hoped to carry the Presidential election. In every instance these riots have been inaugurated by armed negroes, led by white Radicals. In every instance the Southern people, knowing the object of these men, have borne insult and wrong, rather than afford them the opportunity they sought for, and it has only been when their lives and property have been threatened by Radical mobs that the people have risen in self-defence. Knowing these facts, knowing how blood is recklessly spilled and property destroyed by direction of the Radical leaders, what a bitter mockery is their campaign cry -- "Let us have Peace!"

Down on the Carpet-baggers
(Column 03)
Summary: The Richmond Whig reports that the Freedmen have rejected the carpet-baggers' leadership, and now seek office themselves.
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The negroes hereabouts, says the Richmond Whig, have declared war upon the carpet-baggers, and manifest a disposition to cut themselves off from all whites and set up for themselves. When this state of feeling shall extend to the negro masses throughout the South, the plans of Congress will be greatly disturbed. The project of the Northern Radicals was to govern the negroes by carpet-bag lieutenants. If the negroes won't be directed by these lieutenants, but insist upon their own captains, what will Congress do? It is fast coming to that.

-Page 03-

[No Title]
(Column 01)
Summary: Gen. Stoneman appointed George W. Britt flour inspector for Staunton.
(Names in announcement: Gen. Stoneman, George W. Britt)
[No Title]
(Column 01)
Summary: The paper declares the dinner held by the Ladies of the Memorial Association a "decided success."
[No Title]
(Column 01)
Summary: The monthly meeting of the Staunton Building Association will take place tomorrow night.
[No Title]
(Column 01)
Summary: The Staunton Lyceum will meet in the lecture room of the Lutheran Church.
Public Meeting
(Column 02)
Summary: A meeting is held to appoint the Delegates to the Commercial Convention in Norfolk, which will be held in October.
(Names in announcement: Alexander H. H. Stuart, Col. J. Marshall McCue, Col. B. Christian, Col. John B. Baldwin, Gen. John Echols, R. G. Bickle, M. G. Harman, Jacob Baylor, Thomas W. Shelton, B. B. Donaghe, N. K. Trout, W. A. Burke, H. M. Bell, R. Mauzy, E. W. Bayley, John J. Larew, Col. R. Turk, George E. Price, B. Crawford, Absalom Koiner, Adam McChesney, Dr. William L. Walters, M. W. D. Hogshead, Joseph A. Waddell, Logan J. Maupin, William Withrow, James W. Patrick, William M. Tate, J. Marshall Hanger, Thomas P. Eskridge, Col. W. D. Anderson, James H. Skinner)
Full Text of Article:

At a meeting of the citizens of Augusta County, held in the Court House in Staunton, on September Court day, for the purpose of appointing Delegates to the Commercial Convention which will meet in Norfolk city on the fourteenth of October next, upon motion, Hon. Alex. H. H. Stuart was appointed Chairman, and Col. James H. Skinner, Secretary of the meeting.

Col. J. Marshall McCue explained the object and importance of the Norfolk Convention.

Col. B. Christian moved that the Chairman appoint fifteen delegates, and the same number of alternates to represent this county in said Convention.

Col. John B. Baldwin briefly addressed the meeting, urging the importance of this county and section being represented in the proposed Convention, saying that if Norfolk had forgotten this part of the country, that we at least had not forgotten Norfolk, and that we hoped to make such a city of her, that shortly she would not know herself.

Gen. John Echols further zealously advocated the motion showing the interest that this county has in building up Norfolk, and making her "the great Southern sea-port." He jocularly intimated that it would be wise to appoint none but old men as delegates, as he feared that the well known hospitality of Norfolk, and the preparations of welcome which were making might result in leading astray young men from the true objects of the Convention.

Col. Christian thought if "hospitality" was significant of the sort of internal improvement to be promoted -- the old gentlemen should not wish to monopolize.

The motion upon being put was unanimously adopted, and the Chairman appointed thereunder the following Delegates and Alternates.

Delegates.-- John B. Baldwin, John Echols, Bolivar Christian, J. M. McCue, R. G. Bickle, M. G. Harman, Jacob Baylor, Th. W. Shelton, B. B. Donaghe, N. K. Trout, W. A. Burke, H. M. Bell, R. Mauzy, F. W. Bayley, John J. Larew.

Alternates. -- Col. R. Turk, Gen. F. Price, B. Crawford, Absalom Koiner, Adam McChesney, Dr. Wm. L. Waddel, Logan J. Maupin, Wm. Withrow, James W. Patrick, Wm. M. Tate, J. Marshall Hanger, Thos. P. Eskridge, Col. W. D. Anderson.

Upon motion, the Chairman and Secretary were added to the Delegation.

Upon motion, the meeting adjourned.



JAS. J. SKINNER, Secretary.

(Column 02)
Summary: A "tribute to Virginia", made by Judge Sheffey, praising the State and praying that the horrors of Radical reconstruction will pass.
Full Text of Article:

The following tribute to Virginia, we extract from the recent charge of Judge Sheffey, to the Grand Jury of Rockbridge county, at the last Circuit Court for that county: "Virginia is not without many blessings, although she stands under the shadow of a dark cloud of affliction. She is blessed with a population, white and colored, peaceful, orderly and submissive to law. She is blessed with resources unsurpassed by those of any State in the Union; her agricultural wealth, mineral products, water power, manufacturing capacities, climate, scenery and purity of atmosphere are unsurpassed. She is blessed with the cordial esteem and profound respect of civilized mankind; many of those who were once our enemies being foremost in applauding the unselfish devotion, calm dignity, and stern heroism of her conduct during the recent war, and her patient submission and uncomplaining composure under sore trials and temptations since the war ceased, although peace came not; and she is blessed with that exalted self-respect which is better than wealth, better than bloated prosperity, better than well fed complacency, and purse-proud self-laudation and boasting, and inspired with which her sons, even her colored people, when far from her borders, are wont to pronounce her name with proud confidence and with the assurance that honor awaits wherever it is uttered; and above all, she is blessed in that she is yet standing, like the chief of the martyr, with the sword of destruction suspended over her -- still stayed and withheld by an invisible power; and as we gaze with fixed eyes and beating hearts at the venerable old State, and so many other States, the framer of the Union and its fearless defender in years gone by, now bowed down and with her head bending forward to receive the blow which shall annihilate her as the old Commonwealth of Virginia, and as we see the uplifted arm stretched forth to destroy, still held back, may we not hope -- at any rate, let us all fervently pray -- that the "arm which is not shortened" may yet save her from that doom which would make freemen mourn and patriots hang their heads in shame in the future!

God grant that the bitter cup may pass from her lips, and that Virginia may be saved to be a true nursing mother to all the sons of the South and an honor and glory to our common country. Let us with one heart cling to her with a love that knows no fear, and will not be satisfied till she is blessed with safety and prosperity.

(Column 03)
Summary: Porterfield Kinney Bell, infant son of Maj. H. M. Bell, died in Staunton on September 18th. He was 5 months old.
(Names in announcement: Porterfield Kinney Bell, Maj. H. M. Bell)
(Column 03)
Summary: Louis B. Kelley, son of John and J. M. Kelley, died in Staunton on September 25th. He was 2 years old.
(Names in announcement: Louis B. Kelley, John Kelley, J. M. Kelley)
(Column 03)
Summary: Miss A. H. Christian died near Goshen Bridge at the residence of her brother-in-law, Maj. Philip B. Stanard, on August 23rd. She was 27 years old.
(Names in announcement: A. H. Christian, Maj. Philip B. Stanard)
(Column 03)
Summary: David B. Kibler, son of Abraham Kibler of West Virginia, died in Augusta County at the home of his Aunt, Mrs. Amanda Spitler. He was 8 years old and suffered a "long and painful illness."
(Names in announcement: David B. Kibler, Abraham Kibler, Amanda Spitler)

-Page 04-

The White Race and the Negroes
(Column 02)
Summary: A copy of the remarks of General Gordon, a representative of the "Young South", made to an audience of Freedmen. Gordon encourages the Freedmen to reject Northern leadership, and cautions them that if they ignore the wishes of the South and instigate a racial war, their race will be exterminated.
Full Text of Article:


In the course of a speech delivered in Charleston on the 11th inst., General James B. Gordon, of Georgia -- the representative of "Young South" -- addressed the colored portion of the audience as follows:

In the few words I shall say to you, my friends, if you listen to me, I hope to deal with you candidly and honestly. The Radicals have told you that the Southern people were your enemies. But believe me, this is not so. I was opposed to your freedom. [Laughter.] We were all opposed to your freedom. Now, that's honest, isn't it? ["Yes, that's so," from the crowd.] And why was this so? I'll tell you. We did not do this because we were your enemies, but because we had bought you and paid for you. [Great laughter.] You belonged to the Northern people once, and some people think you belong to them now, in the Loyal League. It was the Northern States that sent to the shores of Africa and brought your fathers to the North. And when your labor became unprofitable, they sold you to the Southern people.

The carpet-baggers will tell you that the North brought on the war to free you. Let me ask why didn't they set you free when they owned you? You might then have been born free, and might now have owned the forty acres which the lying rascals promised you. I say that they did not wage the war to free you, and no honest soldier who participated in it will say so. The idea never was entertained. General Grant himself at one time threatened to quit the service if you were freed. They set you free because they wanted to use you, not from any love they had bore you. And now they tell you that we are your enemies. Have we not been born on the same soil? Are not our interests identical? Have we not grown up together and have not our fathers been buried under the same sod? Why, then, are we your enemies?

You have been told to arm yourselves against the whites. [Cries of "No, no."] Well, I am glad to hear it. What would be the result of arraying the two races? A contest will come, which will be a war of races; then which race must triumph? You are in the majority on the seaboard, and could destroy many people. But, my friends, let me tell you the moment the war of races is inaugurated that moment the death warrant of the black man on this continent is signed. There are three millions of your race and forty millions of white men. Now, I ask you in all reason which race must go down?

The speaker then alluded to the assertion of Helper, who said that before the year 1872 no black man will have a habitation on this continent. In quoting this the speaker said: -- He says so because of speculation. Lands are scarce in the North, they have a surplus of labor, and they desire to blot out your race in order that they might come here, take possession of the place and cultivate the land. The indian once lived where you now live, but where is he now? He couldn't live in peace with the white men, and he went to war. The few scattering mounds that are left in the State speak the result. Now, this is what Helper says must be your fate, and most singular to relate, a large majority of the Radical members of Congress are subscribers to his book and are giving it circulation.

Now I speak plainly. If you are disposed to live in peace with the white people they extend to you the hand of friendship. But if you attempt to inaugurate a war of races you will be exterminated. The Saxon race was never created by Almighty God to be ruled by the African. These are truths. We want peace with you. We cannot live as enemies. One or the other must go down. If you turn a deaf ear to the Southern man these green leaves that now clothe the forest will not grow red with another autumn before they will be drenched with your blood and mine.

More Heavily Taxed than Any Other Nation
(Column 02)
Summary: The paper criticizes heavy taxation under Republican rule by making negative comparisons between the United States's tax burden and that of other nations.