Staunton Spectator: May 4, 1869Go To Page : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |
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The Conservative Convention
(Column 01)Summary: The paper praises the recent conservative convention for its work, and discusses some of its accomplishments. Also urges all conservative men to register for the coming elections.
Full Text of Article:Knowing the interest which our readers must feel in the proceedings of the Conservative Convention which assembled in Richmond on Wednesday last, we devote a large portion of our space this week to their publication. As this was the only body which could speak authoritatively for the Conservative party of this State its utterance was awaited with deep anxiety. The result of its deliberations, it was felt, would inspire hope or induce despondency. It was necessary that it should recommend a policy which all conservatives could adopt without compromising their principles, as it is absolutely necessary that no divisions should exist in the party. Upon the united action of all the conservatives depends the salvation of our State from ruin and its citizens from woes unnumbered.
The object to be accomplished, if possible, by the Convention, was to recommend a line of action which would enable the Conservatives to act together, without any compromise of principle, in their patriotic efforts to save the State from the ruin which would result from the ratification of the unmodified Underwood Constitution. The candidates on the Conservative ticket having resigned, and their resignations having been accepted, the Convention declined to nominate another Conservative ticket, and declined to endorse either of the other tickets, leaving each and every Conservative in the State free of all party obligations to vote for one or the other or neither, and only enjoined upon them the duty, which all should with alacrity perform, of voting against the obnoxious clauses of the Constitution which will be submitted to a separate vote, without recommending them to vote for or against the Constitution thus modified. In party terminology, this "platform" is broad enough to afford standing room for every Conservative in the State, as well as for "any other man" white or colored who does not wish to see ninety of every hundred of the native whites of the State denied eligibility to office. It is a platform upon which all should stand without regard to color or previous political affiliations. The man who will not vote to strike out the obnoxious clauses of the Constitution which will be submitted to a separate vote should be ostracised from society and proscribed in business, for he is a declared enemy of the people among whom he lives, and proclaims it by such a vote as effectually as he would do by brandishing the warrior's sword or the incendiary's torch.
The Convention did, in our opinion, the wisest thing it could have done in the circumstances by which it was surrounded. It did enough and not too much. All lament the circumstances which made it unwise to do more. We should have liked to see the chosen leaders and worthy standard-bearers of the Conservative party remain in the field, and deeply regret the existence of circumstances which made it a patriotic duty for them to resign the positions assigned them. They won honor by the gallant and efficient service they rendered in the canvass they prosecuted with such zeal and vigor, and added a crowning glory to it by the manner in which they resigned their positions in obedience to the dictates of patriotic duty. Such patriotic and self-sacrificing conduct deserves to be rewarded, and the time will arrive when it will be. They merit the award: "Well done, good and faithful servants."
We would earnestly invoke the Conservatives of the State to guard sedulously against what we conceive now to be our greatest danger -- listless indifference and a want of a proper appreciation of the fact that it is absolutely necessary that all who can do so should attend the polls on the day of election and vote, and that those who have not registered should do so as soon as the registration books shall be again opened, and be sure to vote.
None should fail to vote at the next election. Cast your votes then, if you never vote again. The man who shall fail to vote then, will probably have cause to regret it as long as he shall live, and his children, who will be the suffering victims of his remissness, will curse his memory. Do your duty -- REGISTER AND VOTE.
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[No Title]
(Column 01)Summary: Dr. C. R. Harris will lecture in Staunton by request of the Augusta Fire Company. The topic of his talk is "The Influence of the Fine Arts on the Moral Sensibilities." The proceeds will go towards purchasing equipment for the company.Correspondence
(Names in announcement: Dr. C. R. Harris)
(Column 01)Summary: A delegation of Staunton citizens invite Confederate General Jubal Early to Augusta, but he declines despite his attachment to the Valley.
(Names in announcement: M. G. Harman, John B. Baldwin, Bolivar Christian, William S. McChesney, George E. Price, B. B. Donaghe, Alex H. H. Stuart, William G. Sterrett, Fred Scheffer, J. H. Skinner, H. W. Sheffey, James BumgardnerJr., John Echols, H. M. Bell, George Baylor, Marshall Hanger)Full Text of Article:[No Title]STAUNTON, April 12th, 1869.
Gen. Jubal A Early.General -- Your many friends in Staunton tender you a cordial welcome to your native State once more.
They would be glad to meet you as their guest in their homes which you long defended so faithfully.
To that end they trust you will consent to pay a visit to the town at as early a day as your convenience will permit.
Respectfully yours,
M.G. Harman, John B. Baldwin, Bolivar Christian, Wm. S. McChesney, George E. Price, B.B. Donaghe, Alex. H. H. Stuart, Wm. G. Sterrett, Fred. Scheffer, J. H. Skinner, H. W. Sheffey, Jes. Bumgardner, Jr., John Echols, H. M. Bell, Geo. Baylor, Marshall Hanger, and 49 others.
Lexington, Va., April 15th, 1869.
Gentlemen:--I am truly thankful to you for the cordial welcome and kind invitation contained in your note of the 13th inst.
It would afford me the very highest pleasure to visit your town, and avail myself of your hospitality, but circumstances will prevent my doing so for some time.
While declining everything savoring of a public demonstration, in accordance with reasons stated in a note to friends in Lynchburg, yet I hope to be able to be at no distant day, to visit you quietly at your homes, and meet you in a social way as old friends and comrades.
The recollections which have so much endeared the people of the Shenandoah Valley to me, have not at all faded from my memory; and it has been among the most pleasant of my anticipations to mingle with them again on my return.
Very truly and respectfully yours,
J. A. Early
To Messrs. M. G. Harman, John B. Baldwin, Bolivar Christian, Wm. S. McChesney and others.
(Column 01)Summary: The Lexington Presbytery met at Shemariah Church in Augusta County on Wednesday. The Rev. Mr. Bell, the Presbytery Evangelist, made a report, as did Rev. Mr. Scott and Rev. Mr. Calhoun, who are now successfully working in the "destitute mountain regions within the bounds of this Presbytery. The meeting licensed Mr. Swoope of Augusta County to preach. Mr. Laird delivered a sermon, and a second collection was taken up for the Domestic Missions.
(Names in announcement: Rev. Bell, Rev. Scott, Rev. Calhoun, Swoope)Origin of Article: Lexington GazetteMarried
(Column 04)Summary: James W. Brooks and Miss Sarah A. Fauber, both of Augusta, were married at Churchville on April 29th by the Rev. J. J. Engle.Married
(Names in announcement: James W. Brooks, Sarah A. Fauber, Rev. J. J. Engle)
(Column 04)Summary: David S. Howser of Augusta and Miss Eliza Jane Golliday of Nelson were married in Buckingham County at the residence of Capt. John Donald on April 15th by the Rev. Mr. Whithers.Married
(Names in announcement: David S. Howser, Eliza Jane Golliday, Capt. John Donald, Rev. Whithers)
(Column 04)Summary: Samuel Robinson and Miss Althea A. McGilvray, both of Augusta, were married in Greenville on April 15th by the Rev. C. Dameron.Married
(Names in announcement: Samuel Robinson, Althea A. McGilvray, Rev. C. Dameron)
(Column 04)Summary: Dr. Charles H. Perrow of Nelson and Miss Fannia A. Mitchell of Augusta were married at the residence of the bride's father, Joseph T. Mitchell, on April 29th by the Rev. J. A. Latane.
(Names in announcement: Dr. Charles H. Perrow, Fannia A. Mitchell, Joseph T. Mitchell, Rev. J. A. Latane)
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