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Staunton Spectator: October 5, 1869

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The Legislature of Virginia
(Column 01)
Summary: Reported on the meeting of the Legislature of Virginia, which met for the purpose of ratifying the 15th amendment. The Legislature will also elect United States Senators, though the editor disagreed with the decision to hold such an election.
Full Text of Article:

On this day the Legislature of this State meets in Richmond for the purpose of adopting the 15th amendment. It appears from Attorney-General Hoar's opinion, which will be considered tantamount to an order, that the Legislature will be required also to adopt the 14th amendment -- though that is not "nominated in the bond" -- and to elect United States Senators. We think it unfortunate that the papers in Richmond agitated at all the question of the election of Senators. The result has been that they have extorted an opinion which amounts to an order that such election should be had at this session. This question should have been allowed to sleep. The mischief has been done and it is useless to repine.

[No Title]
(Column 02)
Summary: The Lynchburg Republican reported that, although Virginia remains politically disfranchised, she has done great work on internal improvements. Asked Northerners to judge the South on the basis of her conduct after the war.
Full Text of Article:

The Lynchburg Republican says that, "much as there is for the South, for Virginia to do, the Southern people have already done much and that under trial which commend their patience, their energy, and their fortitude to the admiration of the world. Virginia is already beginning to work for railroads, and all great works of internal improvement. Her people are pointing the attention of capitalists to the richest mines in the country; to the splendid rivers in the State capable of turning many thousand water-wheels, and to a soil which will grow, or can be made to grow, crops which the most enterprising and ambitious farmer would delight in.

Virginians are not yet politically free, however; and that they are not, is a shame and an outrage, for which those who now perpetrate it will, at no very distant day, be held to a strict account, and made to render full atonement. We appeal to the people of the North to judge the people of the South by what they have done since the war; to examine and learn how much this oppressed people have done for the prosperity of a country in which they were outlawed and proscribed. Let the Northern people ponder over these things, and judge whether justice, magnanimity, or expediency even, does not demand that the Southern people be relieved of all further political burdens and military oppression, and be welcomed back to labor, as before, for the glory and prosperity of a common country?"

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[No Title]
(Column 01)
Summary: Mr. William Burke of Staunton has been appointed Agent for the State Agricultural Society.
(Names in announcement: William Burke)
[No Title]
(Column 02)
Summary: William Frazier and Capt. William H. Sale took over management of Staunton's Virginia Hotel.
(Names in announcement: William Frazier, Capt. William H. Sale)
[No Title]
(Column 02)
Summary: G. W. Britt, Staunton Flour Inspector, said that he inspected 731 barrels of family flour, 4952 barrels of Extra flour, 1221 barrels of Superfine flour, 110 barrels of fine flour, and 42 barrels of middlings for the quarter ending September 30th.
(Names in announcement: G. W. Britt)
Augusta County Fair
(Column 02)
Summary: Program for the Augusta County Fair, which will include sports, contests, races, music, and exhibitions.
(Names in announcement: John B. Baldwin, William A. Burke, E. W. Bayly)
Augusta County Fair
(Column 02)
Summary: Listed the participants and managers for the jousting tournament at the county fair.
(Names in announcement: Maj. H. M. Bell, Maj. Thomas C. Elder, William S. Gilman, S. Travers Phillips, Dr. William S. McChesney, Col. Bolivar Christian, John B. Baldwin, William A. Pratt, A. H. H. Stuart, Col. James H. Skinner, Capt. R. H. Catlett, Edwin M. Taylor, J. Campbell Murdoch, David R. Williams, Dr. B. B. Donaghe, Heber Ker, Marshall Hanger, Thomas D. Ranson, O. A. Browne, Col. John D. Lilley, M. W. D. Hogshead, Charles Gratton, Maj. J. M. McCue, Col. James C. Cochran, Dr. Cyrus Alexander, Capt. J. W. Green Smith, Mrs. John B. Baldwin, Mrs. James Chestnut, Mrs. William Frazier, Mrs. Robert W. Burke, Mrs. Hugh Powell, Mrs. John N. Opie, Mrs. John A. English, Mrs. William A. Pratt, Mrs. George E. Price, Mrs. Echols, Mrs. E. W. Hayley, Mrs. Phil Trout, Mrs. Robert M. Guy)
(Column 03)
Summary: S. M. Taylor of Staunton and Miss Rebecca Brown of Augusta were married near Swoope's Depot on September 30th by the Rev. William E. Baker.
(Names in announcement: S. M. Taylor, Rebecca Brown, Rev. William E. Baker)
(Column 03)
Summary: Joseph M. Kunkle and Miss Fannie A. McCutchen, daughter of the late Robert McCutchen, were married at Shemariah on September 22nd by the Rev. H. Gilmore.
(Names in announcement: Joseph M. Kunkle, Fannie A. McCutchen, Robert McCutchen, Rev. H. Gilmore)
(Column 03)
Summary: Powell Harrison and Miss Jane Knox Fauntleroy, daughter of Col. Charles M. Fauntleroy, were married in Leesburg's St. James' Church on September 23rd by the Rev. R. T. Davis.
(Names in announcement: Powell Harrison, Jane Knox Fauntleroy, Col. Charles M. Fauntleroy, Rev. R. T. Davis)
(Column 03)
Summary: John A. Shirey and Miss Nannie S. White, both of Augusta, were married at New Market on September 23rd by the Rev. J. A. Snyder.
(Names in announcement: John A. Shirey, Nannie S. White, Rev. J. A. Snyder)
(Column 03)
Summary: Peter W. Dickman and Miss Bell McMackey were married near Buffalo Gap on September 23rd by the Rev. P. Fletcher.
(Names in announcement: Peter W. Dickman, Bell McMackey, Rev. P. Fletcher)
(Column 03)
Summary: The Council of the Friends of Temperance passed resolutions of sympathy and respect upon the death of fellow-member Nora Smith.
(Names in announcement: Nora Smith, H. Gilmore, W. T. Wright, J. McDaniel)
(Column 03)
Summary: The council of the Friends of Temperance passed resolutions of respect upon the death of Andrew J. Knisely, 14 year-old son of George W. and Susan S. Knisely.
(Names in announcement: Andrew J. Knisely, George W. Knisely, Susan S. Knisely)

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