Staunton Spectator: October 12, 1869Go To Page : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |
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Hon. Alex H. H. Stuart
(Column 01)Summary: A correspondent of the Richmond Whig wrote in favor of the election of the Alex. H. H. Stuart to the Senate.
Full Text of Article:A correspondent, from the Bay Shore, of the Richmond Whig, urging the election of Mr. Stuart to the Senate, says:
We have men among us to the manor born, reared upon the soil of Virginia, involved in and devoted to her every interest, both State and national, and have not their equal for learning, for purity and honesty of purpose and every acquirement which should adorn a Virginia Senator, and first in the long line of greatness stands most prominent the name of Hon. A. H. H. Stuart, of Augusta, whose experience and able services in the Cabinet and in legislation, both Federal and State, whose intellectual acquirements, refined and accomplished bearing, his enlarged statesmanship and his whole political national record stamp him as the should be first Senator from reconstructed Virginia. -- President Grant and Congress will be well pleased with him, and remove any and all disabilities under which he may labor by virtue of the Fourteenth Amendment, admit him to his seat, and thus secure honorable and distinguished representation to Virginia in the Senate in the person of one of her most "gifted statesmen."
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(Column 01)Summary: The Ladies Archery Club of Staunton will contend for prizes at the fair grounds on October 14th. S. Travers Phillips will act as marshal.[No Title]
(Names in announcement: S. Travers Phillips)
(Column 01)Summary: Prof. Scharf, renowned elocutionist from the University of Virginia, "will give one of his chaste entertainments" at Odd Fellows' Hall. "This entertainment will be classic, chaste, humorous, and instructive."Wine from the Wine-Plant
(Column 01)Summary: James H. Callison of Augusta presented the Spectator with a bottle of wine he manufactured from the wine-plant. "To our unpractised taste, it seems to be very good." The paper recommended that he enter it at the fair.Reception of Baltimore City Council
(Names in announcement: James H. Callison)
(Column 01)Summary: The Staunton Town Council named a delegation to meet representatives of the Baltimore City Council, who will visit Augusta during the fair.Married
(Names in announcement: H. W. Sheffey, Col. Bolivar Christian, N. K. Trout, Col. M. G. Harman, M. Harvey Effinger, B. T. Bagby, William B. Kayser, David Fultz, A. M. Bruce, William H. Tams, John B. Evans, Gen. John Echols, E. M. Taylor, James C. Marquis, Rev. Sears, Col. James H. Skinner, J. C. Covell, Dr. F. T. Stribling, Col. Bolivar Christian)
(Column 03)Summary: Samuel L. Rhodes and Miss Maggie C. Firth, youngest daughter of Capt. Robert Firth, were married at the bride's residence in Middlebrook on September 14th by the Rev. J. Lantz.Deaths
(Names in announcement: Samuel L. Rhodes, Maggie C. Firth, Capt. Robert Firth, Rev. J. Lantz)
(Column 03)Summary: Johnnie M. Dull, son of M. M. and M. E. Dull, died on September 24th at his home near Midway. He was 1 year old. A poem accompanied the notice.
(Names in announcement: Johnnie M. Dull, M. M. Dull, M. E. Dull)
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