Staunton Spectator: January 18, 1870Go To Page : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |
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Admission of Virginia
(Column 01)Summary: The Spectator reported on the House of Representative's adoption of a bill admitting Virginia into the United States. Additional amendments to the bill were introduced and voted upon, and the Senate decided not to consider the question at that time.
Full Text of Article:Since the re-assembling of Congress the question of the admission of Virginia has been the chief subject of interest, and has elicited considerable discussion. It would seem that the end has been nearly reached. Though it is not very probable, yet it may be that even before we go to press, we may learn that the Senate, like the House, has adopted the resolution declaring "that the State of Virginia is entitled to representation in the United States." On Friday last, the motion in the House to substitute the preamble and resolution offered by Bingham for the bill reported by the Reconstruction Committee was adopted by the vote of 98 to 95. The preamble was then adopted by a rising vote 76 to 74. The bill was then adopted by 142 to 49. The announcement of the result was received with applause on the floor of the House. The bill, as passed, is as follows:
Whereas, The people of Virginia have adopted a Constitution republican in form, and have in all respects conformed to the requirements of the act of Congress entitled "An act authorizing the submission of the Constitutions of Virginia, Mississippi and Texas to a vote of the people, and authorizing the election of State officers, provided by the said Constitutions and members of Congress," approved April 10th, 1869, therefore,
Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That the said State of Virginia is entitled to representation in the Congress of the United States.
The House adjourned until Monday.
In the Senate, on the same day, the joint resolution for the admission of Virginia having been taken up, Mr. Willey, Senator from West Virginia, offered an amendment that the members and officers of the Legislature shall take the oath prescribed in the 3rd section of the Fourteenth Amendment, but also allowing the immediate admission of the State.
The amendment of Mr. Willey was adopted by yeas 45, nays 13, Messrs. Fowler, Stewart and Trumbull voting in the negative with the Democrats.
Mr. Wilson moved, as an additional proviso, the fundamental conditions imposed by the bill reported to the House by the Reconstruction Committee, which was rejected -- yeas 23, nays 35.
Mr. Drake moved an additional proviso, that the Legislature shall have no power to rescind the ratification of any amendments to the Constitution of the United States, which, after debate, was rejected -- yeas 11, nays 44.
At the night session, a message was received from the House announcing the passage by that body of the bill for the admission of Virginia, which was read.
The Senate decided not to consider, at that time, the bill adopted by the House, and proceeded with the consideration of its own bills. At 10 o'clock P. M. the Senate adjourned till Monday -- yesterday -- with the understanding that a vote would be taken at 4 o'clock on that day.
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[No Title]
(Column 01)Summary: General Canby removed George W. Britt from his office as Staunton flour inspector.[No Title]
(Names in announcement: George W. Britt)
(Column 01)Summary: The Rev. George Kramer supervised a revival meeting at Staunton's Methodist Church that has interested the entire town and gained a number of converts.[No Title]
(Names in announcement: Rev. George Kramer)
(Column 01)Summary: General Canby appointed the following men to posts in Augusta County: David G. McGuffin replaced Henry H. Peck in the first magisterial district and Robert G. Bickle replaced Edwin M. Cushing in the second magisterial district."Circulating Library Meeting"
(Names in announcement: Gen. Canby, David G. McGuffin, Henry H. Peck, Robert G. Bickle, Edwin M. Cushing)
(Column 01)Summary: The ladies of Staunton have formed an organization aimed at establishing a circulating library. A number of subscribers have already joined at $3.50 for the year.La Rue's Minstrels
(Column 01)Summary: La Rue's Carnival Minstrels performed in the Town Hall on Friday and Saturday. "All seemed to be pleased, especially the ladies, who seemed to enjoy these entertainments with remarkable zest." The paper praised the talents of the "Ethiopian comedians."Married
(Column 03)Summary: J. W. Berry and Miss Mollie E. Shultz were married on January 11th at the residence of the bride's father in Greenville by the Rev. William Pinkerton.Married
(Names in announcement: J. W. Berry, Mollie E. Shultz, Rev. William Pinkerton)
(Column 03)Summary: Thomas E. Gilkeson and Miss Sallie J. Altaffer, both of Augusta, were married near Parnassus on January 11th by the Rev. J. J. Engle.Married
(Names in announcement: Thomas E. Gilkeson, Sallie J. Altaffer, Rev. J. J. Engle)
(Column 03)Summary: C. A. Richardson and Miss Josie Brooks, both of Staunton, were married at the Eutaw House in Baltimore on January 12th by the Rev. Dr. Bullock.Deaths
(Names in announcement: C. A. Richardson, Josie Brooks, Rev. Dr. Bullock)
(Column 03)Summary: Mrs. Caroline Bryan, wife of Reuben Bryan, died suddenly at her residence in Sangersville on January 6th. She was 52 years old and a long-time member of the Presbyterian Church.Deaths
(Names in announcement: Caroline Bryan, Reuben Bryan)
(Column 03)Summary: Jacob Beard died in Augusta County at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. Baylor, on December 30th. He was 85 years old. "Mr. B. was an active, zealous and consistent member of the Mt. Tabor Evangelical Lutheran Congregation for more than 35 years; the greater part of which he served as an elder in that church." His last words were "as for the kingdom, I am sure of that."
(Names in announcement: Jacob Beard, Mrs. Baylor)
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