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Waynesboro Village Record: March 06, 1863

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Traitors At Home
(Column 2)
Summary: A copy of a set of resolutions drafted by officers from Illinois. The resolutions are designed to illustrate the troops' continued support for "the vigorous prosecution of the war" and the "President and Government in all their efforts to put down this rebellion." The decision to issue the declaration was largely motivated by the officers' disdain for "the bitter partisan spirit" that has divided their state legislature as growing numbers of "traitorous" representatives join the chorus of those calling for the cessation of the war.
Origin of Article: St. Louis Democrat
Editorial Comment: "Below we give the proceedings of the brave soldiers of Illinois who are now in the field battling for their country, and we commend it to the attention of the secession sympathizers in Pennsylvania. It may not be long before the patriotic soldiers of the old Keystone State, who are pouring out their blood in defence of their country, will speak also, in tones that cannot be misunderstood, their views and their feelings in reference to traitors at home, who are striving to weaken our own Government, and strengthen the rebels in their hellish assault upon the liberty of our country. It is too much to suppose that the brave hearts who have left their houses and families to fight the traitors of their country, will allow traitors at home to stab them in the back while they are fighting to defend the homes and firesides. These traitors at home will learn that the patriotic soldiers of Pennsylvania, like the brave boys of Illinois, "despise a sneaking traitor in the rear, much more than an open rebel in front." We say, therefore, to these traitors at home who are trying to weaken the hands of the government, and thus strengthening the rebels against whom our brave boys are contending, BEWARE, or you will hear a voice from those brave hearts who are in the army of Pennsylvania, that will make your teeth chatter with fear, for your cowardly and treasonable conduct -- Read the proceedings of the brave boys of Illinois:"
"Fighting For Niggers"
(Column 3)
Summary: An anecdote about a discharged soldier who was overheard voicing indignation at the prospect of white soldiers fighting to free slaves. Upon being confronted by the writer of the article about this opinion, and informed of the justification behind Lincoln's decision to issue the Emancipation Proclamation -- to deprive the South and the Confederate Army of its primary labor force -- the soldier tempered his stand. The writer then explained that the root of the ex-soldier's erroneous belief lay with the "N. Y. Herald and papers of that class," which have misrepresented the matter, "not because they did not know, but because it was for their interest to deceive."
Full Text of Article:

"I've got tired fighting for the niggers," said a discharged soldier, coming up from the Portsmouth Grove Hospital, on the steamer Ferry the other day. "I've done enough of that business, and I have a brother in the army, who I wish was out of it. I am not going to fight beside niggers. I consider myself a good deal "above them." He seemed a smart, likely fellow, quite free to express himself on almost any subject, and especially free to censure those above him. He spoke of drunken officers and grinding quarter-masters in depriving the men of their rations, and was very free in condemning the head officers of the hospital; complained loudly of the poor living and would like to shoot a number of men. After listening awhile to him, I inquired what he meant by fighting for niggers, as he called it. 'Why' said he, "the President's proclamation shows that's all we're fighting for."

Are you not mistaken? The President is only detaching from the rebel army and rebel sympathizers, that body of men and women who raise their provisions, tend their farms and plantations, look after their stock and provide for their families, and earn the money by which they can carry on the war; which, if the slaves did not do, the white men would have to do the things now done by the niggers. That would take so much from their fighting material and thus weaken their strength. Most of them, too, are loyal, and are forced into the trenches against their will. Now the President, in proclaiming emancipation is only detaching these loyal men from the rebels and bringing them over to our side, and by that means aids in putting down the rebellion. Suppose the rebels were using a great many oxen, by which they successfully carried on their operations against us, and the President found out some means by which he could detach the oxen from them and make them serviceable to him in putting down the rebellion, would you refuse to fight on the plea that you were only fighting for oxen?

The soldier admitted at once the argument and said, why don't some one show it in its true light? We have been told we were fighting for the niggers, and no one intimated the contrary. I intimated that was the way the N. Y. Herald and papers of that class represented the matter, not because they did not know, but because it was for their interest to deceive.

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(Column 1)
Summary: Dr. D. T. Benedict, formerly of Franklin county, died at Ft. Littleton, Fulton county, on Feb. 21st. The cause of his death was Typhoid Pneumonia.
(Names in announcement: Dr. D. T. Benedict)
(Column 1)
Summary: An announcement that Capt. John E. Walker, of Co. A, 77th Regiment, P. V., has returned to his unit. Walker had been in Waynesboro on furlough while recovering from wounds he suffered at the Battle of Murfreesboro.
(Names in announcement: Capt. John E. Walker)
Another Soldier Deceased
(Column 1)
Summary: A report that Benjamin Snowberger, son of David Snowberger, died last Saturday of Typhoid Fever. Snowberger, a member of the Co. G, 17th Pennsylvania Cavalry, was confined at Camp Simmons, Harrisburg, for ten days before being sent home, where he "lingered" for nineteen weeks until his death.
(Names in announcement: Benjamin Snowberger, David Snowberger)
Deserter Shot
(Column 1)
Summary: Last Saturday, Samuel Wade, of Co. A, 77th Regiment P. V., was shot near Buena Vista Springs while trying to escape from the Provost Guard, who had arrested him earlier. Though serious, the piece relates, Wade's wounds are not life threatening.
(Names in announcement: Samuel Wade)
What is to be Done with Northern Traitors
(Column 2)
Summary: The editorial argues that northern traitors should be relentlessly denounced; resorting to violence to deal with them "would only silence and not cure the rascals of their villainies."
The Income Tax
(Column 2)
Summary: In response to readers' concerns about the details of the new income tax law, the article seeks to mollify their apprehension by explaining the legislation's key provisions.
[No Title]
(Column 2)
Summary: It is reported that the Ohio General Assembly will most likely pass legislation granting soldiers the right to vote.
Revolting Spectacle
(Column 3)
Summary: The article voices outrage at the condition of the battlefield at Antietam, which is littered with "decayed limbs" that "protrude from the ground," and warns that, should nothing be done to cover the bodies of the men who died on "that memorable field," it will not be long before "the bodies will be entirely exposed."
Origin of Article: Herald and Truth
Died in Texas
(Column 3)
Summary: D. D. Snively, son of Daniel Snively, formerly a merchant of Greencastle, died in Texas after he and his brother were impressed into the Confederate army. The Snively brothers had moved to Texas to raise cattle three years earlier. The cause of his death is unknown.
(Names in announcement: D. D. Snively, Daniel Snively)
Origin of Article: Greencastle Pilot
[No Title]
(Column 3)
Summary: "Many of our girls would like to be boys that they might go to the war," says the piece, "and more of our boys would like to be girls that they might stay at home."
The Conscription Bill
(Column 4)
Summary: A copy of Senator Wilson's bill, which passed the Senate and is currently under consideration in the House.
The Tomb
(Column 5)
Summary: On Feb. 9th, Margaret Ann, daughter of George and Nancy Gossert, died in Quincy township at the age of 15.
(Names in announcement: Margaret Gossert, George Gossert, Nancy Gossert)
The Tomb
(Column 5)
Summary: On Feb. 6th, Elmer Tipner, son of William and Elizabeth Gossert, died in Quincy township. He was 14 months old.
(Names in announcement: Elmer Tipner Gossert, William Gossert, Elizabeth Gossert)

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Description of Page: This page contains advertisements.