Waynesboro Village Record: May 08, 1863Go To Page : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |
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Loyal or Disloyal
(Column 2)Summary: An anecdote about a young man who is chastised, in a variety of ways, for his anti-war sentiments by a female dinner companion.
Origin of Article: Harper's WeeklyFull Text of Article:"Copperheads" RebukedI lately dined in company with one of those insane young gentlemen who, as Theodore Winthrop says in "Cecil Dreeme," praises slavery and think they are aristocratic. The young gentleman went on for some time when Mrs. -- said to him politely:
"If you sympathize with the rebels, why don't you go and join them?"
"I, madame? I assure you I am perfectly loyal."
"Why, certainly, only I stand by the government, not by the administration."
"So Vallandigham says."
"I mean I am no abolitionist."
"So Brooks says."
"That is, I am afraid we are alienating the South."
"So Tom Seymour says."
"In other words, I am a Union man, but I don't think war can restore it."
"So Toucey says."
"But, my dear madame, the war is unconstitutionally carried on."
"So George Ticknor Curtis says."
"I mean that our liberties are in danger."
"So Fernando Wood says."
"Come, then, isn't it hopeless?"
"So the London Times says."
"Yes, my dear madame, but what on earth do you say?"
"I say that whoever stands against the administration in this war stands against the government. I say that whoever says he is no abolitionist means that he intends to embarrass the war. I say that whoever is afraid of alienating the South is afraid of irritating a snake that has already stung him. I say that whoever thinks that force cannot restore the Union does not know that union is the most irresistible instinct of the American people. I say that whoever says the war is unconstitutionally carried on is in danger of being split by the tempest in which he is trying to split hairs. I say that whoever says our liberties are imperiled by the government and not by the rebellion, works and prays for the rebellion and the annihilation of all civil liberty and order. I say that whoever calls the war fratricidal has no more conception of national honor than lottery dealers are said to have of honesty. I say that whoever considers the cause of the United States as hopeless hates that cause in his heart, and is utterly ignorant of the character of the people and the facts of the situation. That is what I say, and that is what every truly American man and woman says and believes."
The young gentleman made no reply; but the next day, at the club, he said to a friend "I dined yesterday at Mrs.--'s. What an awful abolitionist she is!"--Harper's Weekly.
(Column 5)Summary: A copy of the resolutions passed by the officers of the 171st Pennsylvania Regiment, stationed in New Bern, N. C., in support of the war effort and the Lincoln administration's policies.
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Arrest of "Copperhead" Chief
(Column 1)Summary: Reports on the arrest of the "notorious Ohio 'Copperhead,' Vallandigham," a development that is sure to antagonize local war opponents.Borough Election
(Column 1)Summary: The following is the result of the recent borough election: Chief Burgess, Jacob R. Welsh; Councilmen, David Hahn, L. K. Morrison, Joseph W. Miller, Joseph Bender, and George Harbaugh; High Constable, Pius D. Zindorff.Thieves About Again
(Names in announcement: Jacob R. Welsh, David Hahn, L. K. Morrison, Joseph W. Miller, Joseph Bender, George Harbaugh, Pius D. Zindorff)
(Column 1)Summary: Last Friday, thieves broke into the office of the Snow Hill Society and stole thirty loaves of bread and large quantities of sugar, butter, and apple butter. The next day, Jacob Hess's smoke house was burgled, it is presumed by the same party; the thieves escaped with all of his bacon, eight hams and a number of shoulders.Another Soldier Deceased
(Names in announcement: Jacob Hess)
(Column 1)Summary: News has arrived that Amos Snowberger, son of David Snowberger, of Quincy township, died on April 18th in New Bern, N. C. Snowberger, a private in the Co. E. 158th Regiment Penna. Infantry, was the second son in his family to die while serving his country.Death of Young Shockey
(Names in announcement: Amos Snowberger, David Snowberger)
(Column 1)Summary: On May 3rd, William Shockey, of Co. G. 17th Penna. Cavalry, died near Aqua Creek Landing, Va. of typhoid fever. The soldier's remains were brought to Waynesboro on Tuesday and interred the following day on the burial ground on Mr. Hoover's farm, near Ringold.Union Loyal League Meeting
(Names in announcement: William Shockey, David Shockey)
(Column 2)Summary: The editorial relates that the organizational meeting for local chapter of the Union League went off smoothly with the exception of the expected interruptions of several copperheads who, like "slimy reptiles," milled about the hall "bellowing" throughout the evening.
Full Text of Article:Provost MarshallUnion Loyal League Meeting.--In another column will be found the proceedings of the Union Loyal League Meeting which was held in the Hall on Monday evening, with the Pledge and Resolutions offered and adopted. The meeting having been organized, after some very timely and appropriate remarks by Mr. GEORGE BESORE, Mr. M. S. NEWCOMER of this vicinity was called for and delivered a most eloquent and patriotic address which was highly applauded by the audience. As is usual on such occasions, the sneaking "copperhead" was about and efforts were made to interrupt the meeting. A pack of these slimy reptiles gathered about the door and upon the steps of the Hall, bellowing and making all possible noise which they kept up during the evening. It seemed that the audience were determined to just see to what extent these "copperheads" would carry their meanness. Not satisfied with the noise, hissing the speaker, hallowing for the "C. S. A.," etc., just before the meeting adjourned an egg was hurled against one of the windows breaking the glass. Notwithstanding all this there are those who have the affrontry to get up and make great professions of loyalty and at the same time declare that there are no disloyal persons here nor elsewhere in the north. Why this attempt then to interrupt the speaker and insult the audience? The meeting was not a political one. The invitation was to loyal men of all parties. Could a loyal person be guilty of such conduct? Assuredly not. The fact is, parties who thus demean themselves are not loyal to the Government, and hence union meetings, union speakers and union newspapers are obnoxious to them. The man who asserts that nobody is disloyal in the loyal states must be one of two things, a fool or full-fledged traitor. Who tore down under cover of darkness, in Waynesboro, months ago, the American flag? Were they loyal hands?
(Column 2)Summary: George Eyster, of Chambersburg, was named Provost Marshall for Franklin county's Congressional District. According to the Conscription Law drafted the year before, Eyster will be responsible for overseeing the draft, should one be necessary, and the arrest of all deserters.Negro Recruitment
(Names in announcement: George Eyster)
(Column 2)Summary: It is reported that a Recruiting Officer from Massachusetts enlisted 20 black men for the army from Chambersburg during his stay in town last week.
Full Text of Article:Physician DeadNegro Recruits.--A Recruiting Officer from Massachusetts, was in Mercersburg, a couple of days last week, and succeeded, in the short time he remained there, in enlisting twenty able-bodied Colored men for the United States service.
(Column 2)Summary: Dr. Luther M. Miller, of Welsh Run, died last Tuesday of pulmonary disease, from which he had been suffering for the past couple years. Prior to his death, Miller was in the care of Thomas Bowles.
(Names in announcement: Dr. Luther Miller, Thomas Bowles)Origin of Article: PilotSeven Negroes Burned To Death
(Column 2)Summary: Last Sunday seven blacks--one man, one woman, and five children--were killed in a blaze that destroyed Joseph Sprigg's stable, where the victims were living. The fire, says the article, was deliberately set.[No Title]
(Names in announcement: Joseph Sprigg)
(Column 3)Summary: A letter to David Snowberger from Capt. Barnitz detailing the last moments of his son's death. Amos Snowberger died suddenly in New Bern from the effects of disease.
(Names in announcement: Capt. William Barnitz, David Snowberger, Amos Snowberger)Trailer: William T. BarnitzArmy Correspondence
(Column 4)Summary: Another letter from W. T. B., member of the 158th Penn. Regiment., regarding his most recent exploits in the South. Among the anecdotes related in the piece is a story about a widow whose pitiful condition prompted Union soldiers to share their rations with the woman and her seven children.
Full Text of Article:New Berne, N. C.
April 28, 1863Farewell to New Berne--On Pamlico Sound again--to Little Washington!--Our quarters--The Secesh Hegira!
In my previous letters I endeavored to keep pace with our expeditions, and advise you of our fortunes; but latterly we have been on the tramp or move continually and I find it impossible to detail all the events occurring: viz., how, in the regular order of things, we marched on 'Blunts Creek,' killed eighty Rebs with a coolness not conceivable, took a gross of Rebs, and an old grey hoss, confiscated honey, sweet potatoes and niggers; ignited Rebel shanties, turned up trumps and made things git, generally;--marched, as usual, through swamps, water, mud, and terrible rain-storms, drenching us completely,--then turned homeward, footsore and weary, hoping that on reaching camp, we would enjoy a rest of a week or two;--how on reaching Neuse river, we were marched into the brush and ordered to encamp for the night!--as the Paymaster, that lovely being was coming across in the morning with pay for four months; how the boys rejoiced on the receipt of the $58.50 in greenbacks, and immediately enclosing it in proper style sent it by Adam's Express to their families or friends; how the next morning we marched on Swift creek Village, drove in the Rebel pickets, took possession of their rifle pits and entrenchments, extending for miles; how our hearts were surcharged with sorrow at seeing the afflictions and sufferings of widows, whose husbands had been pressed and killed in the rebel service. One case I shall never forget. Going into a small house, I found a widow surrounded with six little ones, and one in her lap, but five weeks old! The Col. asked her whether our men were disturbing her; with despair marked on her every feature, her eyes swollen with recent weeping, she sorrowfully replied, "They can't disturb me; I have, as you see, nothing for them to take, I have had nothing for myself and children to eat for two days!"--and then, bursting into tears, she said, "Yes, I have two chickens, don't let them take them!"--her children meanwhile gathered close about her, their eyes glittering, cheeks hollow, and faces looking cadaverous, all showing that they were starving! Unable to bear the sight the Col. turned away, told the boys her condition, and asked them if they would share their rations with her. Immediately haversacks were opened, and a perfect stream of crackers and coffee, and sugar, and meat poured into the little cabin; money also was given her, and her face and those of the little ones brightened up at this exhibition of sympathy and kindness, and with thanks, she said, "Ah! the South was wrong, in commencing this war; the rich don't feel it; the poor lose all; we must starve!" The little children seized the crackers, and oh! with what avidity they ate them! With many a tear and heavy hearts we turned away to enter a large house, where niggers were dancing attendance, and where want was unknown; where plenty formerly reigned and luxury stalked unchecked. Here a young lady, in barred-silk, hauty as a queen, with nose and upper-lip upturned, presented herself and tauntingly inquired why we did not come yesterday, as the Rebs had just left? We replied by inquiring why they did not wait for us? She didn't see it exactly, but started off in a flow of southern eloquence, that reminded me of the dashing little stream without depth, all noise and sound. She wished she was a man that she might rejoice in killing Yankees! The Col. handed her his pistol and told her to shoot him! "She gave in!" "Well" says she, "I'm tired of this war; I wouldn't like to kill any one; would to God we could have peace!" This is the heartfelt wish of every Reb we have met.
The Rebs having scattered, Gen. Foster marched two brigades to Washington--the siege having ended,--and our brigade was ordered back to New Berne. Rumors were rife the few days we remained at New Berne, that we were going to be moved; some hoped, heard, BELIEVED that we were going to Washington D. C.--some that we were to be sent home to have an opportunity to enlist; others conjectured Roanoak Island to be our destination; this morning all doubts were removed, our suspense ended by being marched aboard the fine steamer Long Island destined for Little Washington! Though the sky was again concealed in ominous clouds, as when we started before for the same place, and were shoaled, and frightened and sickened; yet the air remained calm, and the steamer glided over the waters like Anseres, the men filling the decks, smoking, chatting, playing cards, the officers in the cabin, reading, writing, amusing themselves in every possible manner, and enjoying the fine fare the steward so plentifully provided, and so richly and deliciously served up.
We reached here, early in the evening and were assigned quarters. I have command of two Block-Houses, in which my company is comfortably quartered; Co. C. does provost duty in town, the other companies are on duty at other points in the vicinity. Little Washington is beautifully over arched by the long majestically blowing limbs of the stately trees, thickly planted on either side. I merely marched through it, and hence cannot give an accurate description of it. The Rebs shelled our fortifications, blockhouses, &c. two weeks with no effect, no body was hurt.
To-day there is great commotion in town; all those refusing to take the oath of allegiance must vamose,--move beyond our lines; they have been trifled with long enough, and lived off the government; let them feel some of the joys, the genial fruition of rebel rule. Would to God, that all such stock were beyond our lines; we would fight with better heart and better spirit, and with more effect. Hereafter our friends will address us at this place.
W. T. B.P. S. Col. McKibbin returned a few days before we left New Berne, much to the satisfaction of the whole regiment, which turned out immediately in front of his quarters, and after having given him cheer after cheer in token of their joy at his return, he made a speech which evidenced his attachment to his men and the generous feelings of his heart; long may he wave!
Trailer: W. T. B.Union Loyal Meeting
(Column 5)Summary: A copy of the resolutions passed at the organizational meeting for the Waynesboro chapter of the Union League.
(Names in announcement: William Askwith, J. F. Kurtz, John Woolson, George Besore, H. X. Stoner, Jacob B. Gaff, John Philips, J. B. Resser, M. S. Newcomer)Full Text of Article:According to a previous call for a meeting for the purpose of forming a Loyal Union League, the citizens of Waynesboro and vicinity assembled this evening, and organized by electing WM. ASKWITH, President and J. F. KURTZ, Sec'ry, pro tem. The following Pledge was then read and unanimously adopted:
We the undersigned, citizens of the United States, hereby associate ourselves under the name and title of the Union Loyal League of Waynesboro and vicinity.
We pledge ourselves to an unconditional loyalty to the Government of the United States, to an unwavering support of its efforts to suppress the rebellion, and to spare no endeavor to maintain unimpaired the National unity, both in principle and territorial boundary.
The primary object of this league is, and shall be, to bind together all loyal men, of all trades and professions, in a common union to maintain the power, glory, and integrity of the Nation.
On motion the report of the committee on resolutions was referred back to the committee, to which was added the names of Geo. Besore and John Philips, for their reconsideration and revision. The report of the committee on organization was then received and adopted. The officers selected are as follows:
President--John Woolson.
Vice Presidents--George Besore and H. X. Stoner.
Corresponding Secretary--J. R. Gaff
Recording Secretary--Jacob B. Resser.
Treasurer--John Philips.
On motion, J. R. Gaff, John Philips and J. B. Resser, were appointed a committee to procure a book, transcribe the pledge and solicit subscribers to the same.
After the business of the evening had been attended to, M. S. Newcomer was called for and delivered a most stirring and patriotic address. The meeting then adjourned to meet Friday evening, May 8th.
WM. ASKWITH, Pres't.
J. F. KURTZ, Sec'ry.
Waynesboro, May 4, 1863.
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