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Valley of the Shadow

Valley Spirit: January 25, 1860

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-Page 01-

Save the Union
(Column 01)
Summary: Holds out the border states of Maryland, Virginia, and Pennsylvania as leaders by necessity of union spirit, and decries radicals on both sides. Article is sympathetic to the South. It argues that slavery is an inherited evil which will die out eventually, but violence by the North against slavery would only bring greater tyranny.
Origin of Article: Catholic Mirror
The Harper's Ferry Investigation
(Column 06)
Summary: Note announcing subpoenas issued by Senate Investigating Committee.

-Page 02-

Praise Your Wives
(Column 01)
Summary: Morality story, advising husbands not to neglect complimenting their wives.
A Mother's Courage
(Column 05)
Summary: Story about a mother who, while husband was away on business, defended her baby from a bear.

-Page 03-

Description of Page: Poetry and advertisements.

My Father's Second Marriage
(Column 02)
Summary: Story of how a daughter came to accept her father's second wife, after her mother died.

-Page 04-

Description of Page: Also a reprint of Senate debate defending Northern Democrats against charges of abolitionism.

The Opposition are Responsible
(Column 01)
Summary: Blames failure to elect a Speaker of the House on the Republicans and predicts that they will let the election languish. This would prevent the funding of postal operations.
Rev. R.J. Breckinridge
(Column 03)
Summary: Reports on letter Rev. Breckinridge wrote to his nephew, Vice-President Breckinridge, hinting at opposition by force if the Republicans take power.
A Railroad from Gettysburg to Chambersburg
(Column 04)
Summary: A meeting in Fayetteville was held to propose a railroad survey between the two points.
Full Text of Article:

A Meeting at Fayetteville.

The friends of this project met in the Union School House at Fayetteville, on Saturday Evening, the 21st, to consider the expediency of making a survey between these points. The meeting was organized, and it was announced by the president, that the speaker, Rev. W. D. C. Rodrock, who had promised to address the meeting, was unavoidably absent on business.

The Secretary then addressed the meeting detailing a few facts connected with the history of Penna. Railroad, beginning with the surveys made by the State in 1838, particularly the Southern Route, the one of most interest to the people of this Valley. When this line was run, railroads had not the recent improvements--iron rails, powerful locomotives, long trains, &c., were then unknown, therefore, the report of this survey, does not now meet the requirements of a good road. There is, however, one thing by it made certain, that there is an easy railroad passage through the Cove Mountain, Via. Cowens Gap, between Loudon and Burnt Cabbins. About ten years ago when the western trade deserted its natural course to be carried by the Central R. R., leaving the Turnpike road to melancholy quietness, the people then, and since, realized the evil consequences of their supineness.--Several attempts have since been made to construct this Line. In 1853 legislative authorities under the name of the Chambersburg and Allegheny Co. was obtaind, commissioners appointed, and meetings held along the line, but from some cause these measures failed. The Pittsburg and Connelsville R. R. Co. have nearly completed their road Eastward from Pittsburg to Bridgeport--some 20 miles west of Bedford. The Shermans Valley & Broad Top and other Co's. were chartered by act of 1854 and supplements since to construct a road from Bridgeport, Via. Burnt Cabins to the Central R. R. The original route from Burnt Cabins to the eastern cities Via. Chambersburg is shorter, has easier grades, and a less number of miles to construct than any other projected route.

After the Secretary concluded his remarks it was resolved that the following committee be appointed to take subscriptions, for the purpose of having a survey made as soon as practicable. Messrs. David Goodyear, A. J. Stevens, Robert A. Renfrew, Robert Black, Jacob B. Cook, George Dull, Phares Duffield, Robert F. McElroy, John Crawford of J., John Brown, H. C. Greenawalt, John Baughman, William Rupert, Sam'l Dysart, John Downey, Matthew McKee, and Jacob Strickler. Messrs. John Baughman and Robert A. Renfrew will act as treasurers and will attend to having the survey made.

The people along the contemplated line of the road are cordially invited to co- operate in the measure. On motion the meeting adjourned to meet at the same place on Friday evening, Feb. 3d.

JOHN DOWNEY, President.
J. B. McELROY, Secretary.
Fayetteville, Jan. 21, 1860.

-Page 05-

Description of Page: Advertisements also on page.

Railroad Meeting
(Column 02)
Summary: Applauds the meeting held in Fayetteville that proposed a survey for a railroad line between Chambersburg and Fayetteville that would connect to the Gettysburg railroad. This would shorten the travel time and lessen the rates to both Baltimore and Philadelphia. Urges local citizens to hold a meeting in Chambersburg to second the Fayetteville proposal.
Court Proceedings
(Column 03)
Summary: Disposition of cases in criminal court and court of common pleas.
(Names in announcement: Jacob Kelly, Hiram Bowles, McCauley, Eyster, Bralton, Break, Kysler, Frederick French, Brewer, Collins, Orr, Reilly, Sharp, Jacob Kelly, John Churchman, Bonebrake, Christ Folts, John Reasner, Kennedy, Joseph Rosenthal, Stumbaugh, Carlisle, Jacob Snively, McLelland, McClure, Francis Bricker, Samuel JohnsonCol'd, Peter SlaterCol'd, George Eyster, Welsh, Duneau, David Lenherr, Everett, Strickler, William Hornbreaker, Christ Metcalf, William Shearer, Solomon Neff, Walker Shearer, James O'Brien, William Seibert, Early, Thomas Early, John Snider, George Wolff, Reinhold, Hostetler, David Newman, Frank Myers, Joseph Winters, Luther Kurts, Jesse McComsey, William Tolhelm, Abel Mishler, Jacob Mishler, Henry Stoner, Fred Divilblis, P.A. Rice, G.W. Wolff, Lewis Ritter, Rev. William Barnes, Peter Arts, Peter West, William Christ, Eliz Snider, John Snider, Isaac Kohn, Jacob Barncord, Rebecca Barncord)
(Column 04)
Summary: Married January 19.
(Names in announcement: Daniel Bitner, Rev. S. McHenry, Fanny Stamey)
(Column 04)
Summary: Died January 14, at age 25.
(Names in announcement: Florence Duncan, Augustus Duncan)

-Page 06-

Description of Page: Poetry and advertisements

-Page 07-

Description of Page: Advertisements

The Indian Maiden
(Column 01)
Summary: Morality tale of a Cherokee girl who turned her back on her "savage" and "pagan" background and converted to Christianity.
Origin of Article: Banner

-Page 08-

Description of Page: Market information from Chambersburg and Baltimore; advertisements, including bank statements.

A Few Facts for the Merchants and Manufacturers of the North
(Column 01)
Summary: Predicts that the economic consequences of anti-Southern sentiment in the North are already being observed, and that things will get worse if abolition sentiment continues to be acceptable in the North.
[No Title]
(Column Marriage among the Druses)
Summary: Discusses marriage customs among the Druse.