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Valley Spirit: August 28, 1861

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-Page 01-

Description of Page: Various items of military and war news.

Relics at Pompeii
(Column 2)
Summary: Describes some items found in the ruins at Pompeii.
[No Title]
(Column 3)
Summary: Responds critically to the rumored plan of the banker Corscran to loan money to the Rebels.
Douglas's Last Speech to the Senate
(Column 4)
Summary: Transcript of Douglas's last address.

-Page 02-

Description of Page: Continuation of Douglas' address

-Page 03-

Description of Page: Remainder of Douglas' speech in column 1. Poem, miscellaneous national and war news, and advertisements.

-Page 04-

Support the Government
(Column 1)
Summary: Urges Democrats to support the Government but not the Administration that administers it.
Delegate Elections
(Column 1)
Summary: Announces that the delegate elections of the Franklin county Democratic party will be held on Saturday, August 31 and the County Convention to nominate a ticket will meet on the following Tuesday.
Turn Out
(Column 1)
Summary: Encourages Democrats to turn out to vote in the upcoming delegate election.
The Times Presumption
(Column 1)
Summary: Quotes the Times' editor as saying that the chief object of the upcoming Republican convention will be to endorse Lincoln's policies.
Patriotism and Partyism
(Column 2)
Summary: The Spirit asserts once again the intention of the Democratic party to support the Government but to oppose Lincoln and the Republican party. The Spirit insists that this is a feasible stance for the opposition to take.
About Secession
(Column 2)
Summary: Spirit quotes the Juniata Sentinel, a Republican paper, which upheld the right of the Democratic party to oppose Lincoln while remaining loyal citizens.
N. and S. Ward Delegate Elections
(Column 2)
Summary: Announces the polling places for the North and South Ward delegate elections.
(Names in announcement: A.J. Brand)
[No Title]
(Column 2)
Summary: Calls attention to a letter from a member of the Republican party entitled "Union Movement."
Judge Douglas's Position
(Column 3)
Summary: Responds to charges from the Times that the Spirit is misrepresenting the late Stephen Douglas's views, hence the inclusion of Douglas's speech to let the man speak for himself.
(Names in announcement: Nill)
(Column 3)
Summary: Reports that the Post Master will no longer honor the old stamped envelopes and stamps because the South stole a large quantity and could use them for free postage.
Mr. Brewer's Position
(Column 4)
Summary: Item taken from the Republican papers, which report Brewer's pro-Democratic speech at the Republican-orchestrated Union party meeting.
(Names in announcement: George Brewer)
Quarreling Among Themselves
(Column 4)
Summary: Asserts that the Union party movement is causing Republicans to quarrel among themselves and will ultimately damage them more than it will the Democrats.
Full Text of Article:

The Union movement does not meet with much favor among the masses of the Republican party and is in bad odor with some of the leaders. It is more likely to be the death of the Republican party than any injury it will do the Democracy. It will have one good effect in our party--it will purify our ranks a little and they need it. The Transcript will not go in for the Union dodge unless its favorite is nominated for the judgeship. It says:--"We will not consider ourself bound by the action of the Union movement; but will oppose it and its candidate down till the evening of the Second Tuesday of October, with all our might."

The Democracy
(Column 4)
Summary: Spirit quotes the New York Times, a Republican paper, which praises the loyalty of the Democratic party.
(Column 4)
Summary: Reports that Bishop Wood of Philadelphia will deliver the sacrament of Confirmation in the Catholic Church in Chambersburg.
Virginia Militia Won't Fight
(Column 4)
Summary: Extract claims that the Virginia militia is not prepared to fight for South Carolina.
Origin of Article: Charleston Mercury
Mob Law
(Column 5)
Summary: Decries suspension of civil liberties in certain sections of the North.
Origin of Article: Philadelphia Ledger
The Union Movement
(Column 6)
Summary: A Republican writer says the Union movement is nothing more than a collection of failed Democrats and Republicans seeking a new and successful political life in a third party.
(Names in announcement: Judge Nill, Kimmel)
Trailer: A Republican
[No Title]
(Column 6)
Summary: Asserts that the war should be fought only to preserve the Union.

-Page 05-

Description of Page: Various items of national and military news.

(Column 6)
Summary: Married on August 22.
(Names in announcement: Rev. S. McHenry, J.H. Crawford, Sarah Jane Mentzer)
(Column 6)
Summary: Married on August 22.
(Names in announcement: Rev. A.K. Nelson, Josiah Allen, Anna Brindle, Malachi Brindle)

-Page 06-

Description of Page: Advertisements

-Page 07-

Description of Page: Advertisements

-Page 08-

Description of Page: Various items of national and military news. Remainder of page ads.

Military Movements in Canada
(Column 1)
Summary: Reports military movements in Canada involving the defense of the frontier.
Important from Hayti
(Column 1)
Summary: Reports that one of John Brown's confederates, named Merriam, was expelled from Hayti.
The Income Tax
(Column 1)
Summary: Article regarding the provisions of the income tax law.
Mutiny Among the Soldiers at Washington
(Column 1)
Summary: Reports that the 79th New York and the 5th Maine refused to obey orders and were sent to work camp at Dry Tortugas in the Gulf of Mexico.
"A Limited Monarchy"
(Column 2)
Summary: Reports on a conflict between Governor Brown of Georgia and President Jefferson Davis. Brown criticized Davis for ignoring the doctrine of States Rights and attempting to strengthen the central government.
[No Title]
(Column 2)
Summary: General Wool, in a speech given in New York, stated that the war has occured only because the South "wants to extend the area of slavery. Nothing else but that."
Editorial Comment: General Wool "speaks with a straightforward manliness on the slavery question, which shows that he understands the causes of the war."