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Valley Spirit: November 9, 1864

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-Page 01-

Description of Page: Fiction, poetry, and essays on swallowing nails, columns 4-7; classified ads, column 1-3

Parental Authority in Marriage
(Column 6)
Summary: Encourages parents to leave their children free to make their own decisions about marriage.
Origin of Article: All the Year Round

-Page 02-

Description of Page: Report on plans to consolidate Canadian governments, column 3; other Canadian news, column 7

The Election
(Column 1)
Summary: Lists preliminary results (those received before the paper's publication) from the congressional and presidential elections, including the vote totals received by each candidate from each township in Franklin County. The editor says that, although not all the votes for the president's race are in, it looks as if Lincoln has won. The results in both races are: ANTRIM--Coffroth (423), Koontz (431), McClellan (0), Lincoln (24); CHAMBERSBURG, NORTH WARD--Coffroth (140), Koontz (251), McClellan (0), Lincoln (135); CHAMBERSBURG, SOUTH WARD--Coffroth (201), Koontz (251), McClellan (0), Lincoln (29); CONCORD--Coffroth (87), Koontz (19), McClellan (0), Lincoln (0); FAYETTEVILLE--Coffroth (179), Koontz (208), McClellan (0), Lincoln (45); GREEN--Coffroth (102), Koontz (163), McClellan (0), Lincoln (52); GUILFORD--Coffroth (183), Koontz (165), McClellan (22), Lincoln (0); HAMILTON--Coffroth (132), Koontz (99), McClellan (26), Lincoln (0); LETTERKENNY--Coffroth (212), Koontz (128), McClellan (100), Lincoln (0); LURGAN--Coffroth (130), Koontz (80), McClellan (56), Lincoln (0); METAL--Coffroth (74), Koontz (119), McClellan (0), Lincoln (0); MONTGOMERY--Coffroth (139), Koontz (202), McClellan (0), Lincoln (80); MORRISTOWN--Coffroth (95), Koontz (90), McClellan (0), Lincoln (0); LOUDON--Coffroth (87), Koontz (78), McClellan (14), Lincoln (0); PETERS--Coffroth (48), Koontz (132), McClellan (0), Lincoln (86); QUINCY--Coffroth (282), Koontz (170), McClellan (128), Lincoln (0); ORRSTOWN--Coffroth (110), Koontz (71), McClellan (44), Lincoln (0); SOUTHAMPTON--Coffroth (67), Koontz (49), McClellan (0), Lincoln (18); SULPHUR SPRING--Coffroth (41), Koontz (23), McClellan (0), Lincoln (0); ST. THOMAS--Coffroth (167), Koontz (131), McClellan (31), Lincoln (0); WASHINGTON--Coffroth (239), Koontz (277), McClellan (0), Lincoln (0); WELSH RUN--Coffroth (135), Koontz (77), McClellan (0), Lincoln (0); WARREN--Coffroth (47), Koontz (36), McClellan (0), Lincoln (0); ARMY VOTE--Coffroth (137), Koontz (248), McClellan (0), Lincoln (0).
(Names in announcement: A. H. Coffroth, William Koontz)
(Column 1)
Summary: Reports that Francis Kimmell beat his Republican opponent in the president judge race by a vote of 8226 to 8155. In Franklin County, the vote was 3477 to 3431.
(Names in announcement: Francis Kimmell)
Last Infamous Outrage
(Column 2)
Summary: Accuses the return judges of the congressional district of manipulating the congressional election returns in favor of William H. Koontz. John Wilhelm and John H. Laker were the Franklin County return judges involved in this "criminal outrage."
(Names in announcement: William H. Koontz, John Wilhelm, John H. Laker)
[No Title]
(Column 3)
Summary: Argues that the likelihood that Lincoln will restore the Union is small.
The Southern Railroad
(Column 4)
Summary: Reports that $5,200,000 was subscribed to the capital stock of the Southern Pennsylvania Railroad at a meeting on October 14. The Spirit believes that this railroad will "add fabulous wealth" to the southern counties of Pennsylvania.
Getting Poorer
(Column 4)
Summary: Suggests that the longer peace is postponed, the more impoverished the nation will become.
What is True Loyalty
(Column 5)
Summary: Cites a speech from Senator Douglas to explain that there is a difference between loyalty to the Constitution and the Union, and loyalty to the administration. Suggests that the former is "true" loyalty.
Effect of Protracting the War
(Column 6)
Summary: Cites the economic impact of the war on the North to argue that by maintaining their resistance, the South will eventually force the North to give up the fight.
Origin of Article: Richmond Sentinel

-Page 03-

Description of Page: Agricultural tips, column 3; classified ads, columns 5-7

The Falling Leaf
(Column 1)
Summary: Comments on the "beauty" and "grandeur" of the fall season.
Franklin County Election
(Column 2)
Summary: Lists results and vote totals in the local election of October 11.
(Names in announcement: Francis Kimmell, King, A. H. Coffroth, William S. Koontz, J. McDowell Sharpe, Mitchell, McClure, Roath, John Armstong, Davidson, Skinner, Criswell, Montgomery Martin, David J. Skinner, Victor D. Miller, Wertz)
The School House
(Column 2)
Summary: Tells teachers to set an example for their students and make sure their school houses are not "shabby."
The Expression of Dress
(Column 2)
Summary: Compares women and their dresses to flowers.
Fall Feed for Cows
(Column 3)
Summary: Urges farmers not to neglect the fall feeding of their cows, since the quantity and quality of butter produced depends on it.
Origin of Article: American Agriculturalist
A Negro Runs Away With the Wife of a White Man--Pursuit and Capture of the Fugitive at Windsor
(Column 4)
Summary: Tells the story of a white woman and her daughter who left their husband/father to run away with a black man. Explains that the wife begged for forgiveness upon being captured.
Origin of Article: Detroit Free Press
(Column 6)
Summary: Rev. E. Breidenbaugh married Josiah Lesher and Martha Faust on October 11 at the home of the bride's father.
(Names in announcement: Rev. E. Breidenbaugh, Josiah Lesher, Martha Faust)
(Column 6)
Summary: William Wilhelm, of Baltimore, and Emma Carlile were married on October 25 by Rev. E. Breidenbaugh.
(Names in announcement: Rev. E. Breidenbaugh, William Wilhelm, Emma Carlile)
(Column 6)
Summary: Rev. E. Briedenbaugh married Thomas O. Daly and Sarah Frantz on October 25 at the Lutheran Parsonage.
(Names in announcement: Rev. E. Breidenbaugh, Thomas O. Daly, Sarah Frantz)
(Column 6)
Summary: Isaac Hutton and Anna M. Mahaffy were married on September 29 by Rev. F. Dyson.
(Names in announcement: Rev. F. Dyson, Isaac Hutton, Anna M. Mahaffy)
(Column 6)
Summary: John C. Hall and Mary C. Lauch were married on October 16 by Rev. F. Dyson.
(Names in announcement: Rev. F. Dyson, John C. Hall, Mary C. Lauch)
(Column 6)
Summary: Rev. S. McHenry married William H. Bittner and Lizzie J. Kohler on November 3 at the residence of Samuel Bender, Esq.
(Names in announcement: Rev. S. McHenry, Samuel BenderEsq., William H. Bittner, Lizzie J. Kohler)

-Page 04-

Description of Page: Classified ads, columns 1-7