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Valley of the Shadow

Valley Spirit: May 09, 1866

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-Page 01-

Is the Rump a Congress?
(Column 5)
Summary: Ignoring the President's wishes, as well as his veto, Congress passed the Civil Rights Bill, which, says the editorial, is a clear example of the Radicals' absolute disregard for the people's desires. In addition to criticizing the legislative body for its agenda, the piece also disputes the constitutionality of its actions since representatives from the former rebel states have not been seated, and their votes would have reversed the outcome.
Origin of Article: New York World
The Bondholder's Soliloquy
(Column 7)
Summary: A piece mocking capitalists who avoided the draft and benefitted from the war, amassing huge fortunes by investing in bonds.

-Page 02-

Misrepresenting the Issue
(Column 1)
Summary: Repudiates as nonsense a claim made in an editorial that appeared in the Repository suggesting that the onus is on the southern states for their present predicament. Had the former Confederates "accepted the issues of the war in good faith," the Republican journal argues, "they might have been represented in Congress long since."
Origin of Article: Repository
Editorial Comment: "This precious paragraph we clip from the leading editorial in last week's Repository."
Report of the Reconstruction Committee
(Column 2)
Summary: After a five month "incubation" period, the Reconstruction Committee finally made public its report, which, the article states, has been criticized not only by Democrats, but by a significant portion of the Republican Party as well. The writer points out that even former supporters, such as Secretary Stanton, have turned their backs on the Committee since it released its recommendations.
Editorial Comment: "It is so universally condemned by the loyal and patriotic Unionists of the country that the disunion Committee feel that they have made a grave mistake."
[No Title]
(Column The Normal School)
Summary: At the recently held convention of the School Directors, relates the article, a resolution was passed, endorsing the efforts made to establish the district Normal School in Franklin county, a development, it contends, that would prove immensely beneficial to the county's residents.
Important Cabinet Meeting
(Column 3)
Summary: It is reported that at a recent Cabinet meeting, the fissures separating the heads of the Departments came to the fore after the President solicited his secretaries' opinions regarding the recommendations approved by the Reconstruction Committee.
What It Costs The Country To Support The Idle Negroes
(Column 4)
Summary: Thad Stevens has introduced a bill to appropriate $11 million for the Freedmen's Bureau, a decision condemned by the writer of the article as "crazy."
New License Law
(Column 7)
Summary: A copy of the new law to regulate the licensing of hotels, inns, taverns, and eating houses.

-Page 03-

Local and Personal
(Column 1)
Summary: A proclamation announcing that the Annual Conference of the German Baptist Church will be held near Waynesboro in May. The object of the meeting, the piece reports, is to conduct church business.
(Names in announcement: D. F. Good)
Local and Personal
(Column 2)
Summary: The School Directors of Franklin county met on May 1st to select a County Superintendent. P. M. Shoemaker defeated three rivals to capture the position. Other business conducted at the meeting included the adoption of a resolution that calls for the appointment of one teacher from each school district to report a uniform series of school books to the County Superintendent.
(Names in announcement: P. M. Shoemaker, W. H. Hockenberry, Jacob Youst, Leonard Alleman, William OrrEsq., John A. Hyssong, Col. D. W. Rowe)
Local and Personal
(Column 2)
Summary: On May 1st, P. M. Shoemaker was elected County Superintendent for schools in Franklin county.
(Names in announcement: P. M. Shoemaker)
(Column 4)
Summary: On May 3rd, John A. Berger and Mary H. Ackerman were married.
(Names in announcement: John A. Berger, Mary H. Ackerman)
(Column 4)
Summary: On May 3rd, Wilson T. Stuart and Kate Miller were married by Rev. J. Dickson.
(Names in announcement: Rev. J. Dickson, Wilson T. Stuart, Kate Miller)
(Column 4)
Summary: On April 25th, Joseph French and Jennie Hammond, daughter of John Hammond, were married by Rev. William West.
(Names in announcement: Rev. William West, Joseph French, David Hammond, Jennie Hammond)
(Column 4)
Summary: On May 2nd, Conrad Mueller and Margaret Roeder were married by Rev. B. S. Schneck.
(Names in announcement: Rev. B. S. Schneck, Conrad Mueller, Margaret Roeder)
(Column 4)
Summary: On April 26th, Samuel Barley and Margaret Rittenowar were married by Rev. D. B. Russell.
(Names in announcement: Rev. D. B. Russell, Samuel Barley, Margaret Rittenowar)
(Column 4)
Summary: On April 26th, F. Fourthman and Mary C. McFerren were married by Rev. W. E. Krebs.
(Names in announcement: Rev. W. E. Krebs, F. Fourthman, Mary C. McFerren)
(Column 4)
Summary: On April 14th, Mary Winter, daughter of Mary H. and S. M. Worley, died. Mary was 10 months old.
(Names in announcement: Mary Winter, Mary H. Worley, S. M. Worley)
(Column 4)
Summary: R. Calvin Horner, 52, died near Bridgeport.
(Names in announcement: R. Calvin Horner)
(Column 4)
Summary: On May 2nd, James Anderson, 57, died near Mercersburg.
(Names in announcement: James Anderson)
(Column 4)
Summary: On April 17th, Laura Hoke, daughter of Benjamin Hoke, died. Laura was 2 years old.
(Names in announcement: Benjamin Hoke, Laura Hoke)
(Column 4)
Summary: On April 24th, Calvin Paper, son of Levi Paper, died near Greencastle. Calvin was 1 year old.
(Names in announcement: Levi Paper, Calvin Paper)
(Column 4)
Summary: On April 29th, Z. Shultz, 55, died.
(Names in announcement: Z. Shultz)
(Column 4)
Summary: On April 27th, Lilly Frances, daughter of Henry and Susan Metz, died in Hamilton township. Lilly was 11 months old.
(Names in announcement: Henry Metz, Susan Metz, Lilly Frances Metz)