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Valley Spirit: July 10, 1867

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The Cost of Radical Reconstruction
(Column 1)
Summary: In addition to imposing an unreasonable burden on white southerners, Reconstruction, note the editors, is exhausting the treasury. "With a debt of three thousand millions hanging over the country," they argue, "Congress continues to rob the people of their hard earnings by recklessly appropriating large sums of money to keep up an expensive military establishment in the South, in order to perpetuate the Radical party in power."
Full Text of Article:

It seems that the appropriation made to carry out the military reconstruction act in the South had already been all expended so that a new appropriation is necessary. It is understood that Congress at its present session will appropriate half a million dollars more for that purpose. How do the over-burdened tax-payer of the county like the prospect? With a debt of three thousand millions hanging over the country and an exhausted treasury unable to pay the interest as it falls due, Congress continues to rob the people of their hard earnings by recklessly appropriating large sums of money to keep up an expensive military establishment in the South, in order to perpetuate the Radical party in power. All this enormous drain upon the treasury could be saved if the Southern people were permitted to govern themselves and defray the expenses of their own government, as they are willing and anxious to do. but this would not answer the selfish and ambitious ends of these Radical traitors. How long, Oh! how long will the people patiently submit to these things.

The Rump Congress
(Column 1)
Summary: Having spurned "the teachings of WASHINGTON, JEFFERSON, MADISON, and the other great and good men who founded the Republic, and openly declared their intention to 'reconstruct' the government on the principles of the Radical party," Republicans in Congress, the editors claim, have reconvened with the goal of forcing black suffrage upon "all the States."
The Political Situation in Tennessee
(Column 1)
Summary: The article renders a scathing portrait of the situation in Tennessee under Gov. Bronlow, whom it labels the "filthiest of the scum that rose to the surface in the civil war." Supplied with money from Loyal Leagues in the North, Bronlow has organized a "loyal" militia to "harry, oppress, and terrify" anyone who resists his despotic rule.
Origin of Article: N. Y. World
Viva La Simon--Viva La Corruption!
(Column 3)
Summary: The article suggests that Henry W. Williams's nomination as the Republican candidate for the Supreme Court is yet another example of Simon Cameron's "corrupt practices." It asserts that, just as he did to win his Senate seat, Cameron engineered a scheme to secure the selection of Williams over his rival M. Russell Thayer.
Origin of Article: Carlisle Volunteer
Full Text of Article:

The nomination of Henry W. Williams, of Connecticut, for Judge of the Supreme court, by the "Blockhead" Williamsport Convention was a great triumph for the old Winnebago chief, Cameron, The Cameron wing in the Convention was led by Wayne McVeagh, Esq., of Chester, Winnebag's son-in-law, who was assisted by Ned McPherson, the Clerk of Thad. Steven's Rump Congress. The opponents of Cameron had Wm. B. Mann of Philadelphia, as their captain. Williams was the Cameron candidate for Judge, and M. Russel Thayer of the city, was the anti-Cameron candidate.-Simon, as usual, triumphed, whether by the same means that he used last winter when he was elected U. S. Senator, we know not; but the anti-Cameron men hint very broadly that Williams was unfairly nominated.

When Cameron, last winter, secured his election to the Senate over Curtin and others, he was spoken of by more than two-thirds of the Radical Jacobin journals of the State as one of "the most corrupt men in the Commonwealth, who disgraced and demoralized every party whose cause he pretended to espouse;" and they asserted in plain words, that he bought his election with green-backs. Now, as Williams is the fast friend, the protege of Cameron, and owes his nomination to him, can the friends of Curtin and others, who were candidates for U. S. Senator last winter, and who owing to Cameron's great wealth and free use of green-backs, were so unmercifully slaughtered-can they support the imported Yankee for Judge of the Supreme Court? By doing so, they strengthen Cameron's hands and augment his power, which power he will use against them with relentless vigor. If they are wise and desire to stop this bold, bad man in this infamous career, they will refuse to give their support to the Connecticut schoolmaster, who has been selected by him for the highest judicial position in the State. Let them act as Cameron acts when his enemies receive nominations. He strikes them at the polls. Let us see now whether the Radical editors who, but a few months since, declaimed so vehemently against Cameron's corrupt practices, have the pluck and rebukes him, now that an opportunity is presented. If they desire to be considered honest and consistent, they cannot and will not support Williams. Let them, then, for once, we repeat, show a little independence and refuse their sanction to the old Winnebago's arrangements. Beyond all question or doubt, Judge Sherwood, the candidate of the people, will be elected by a sweeping majority. This is an admitted fact, a forgone conclusion, and this time for those independent Republicans who despise the trickery, chicanery and corruption of Cameron, to place their seal of condemnation upon him and his doings. Will they do it? We will see.-Carlisle Volunteer.

The People Must Recover Their Lost Power
(Column 4)
Summary: According to the article, Congress is currently ruled by a cabal of "demagogues" who have duped the masses into "blindly" following their program. If the people could "see and comprehend the secret plans of the Radical leaders," it explains, "Radicalism would not live a day longer."
Origin of Article: Patriot and Union
The Kentucky Congressmen
(Column 4)
Summary: In the wake of Congress' decision to deny the elected representatives from Kentucky their seats, the article warns readers that Congress could "refuse to admit the members of any Northern State with equal propriety."
Origin of Article: Lancaster Intelligencer

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Local and Personal--Resigned
(Column 1)
Summary: Rev. John A. Kunkelman resigned the pastorate of the Lutheran Congregation and accepted a position in Fort Wayne, Indiana.
(Names in announcement: Rev. John A. Kunkelman)
Local and Personal--Untrue
(Column 1)
Summary: Relates that reports of Mrs. Baker's demise are false. Baker was injured last fall in the same accident in which Miss Hassler lost her life.
(Names in announcement: Mrs. Baker, Miss Hassler)
Origin of Article: Fulton Democrat
Local and Personal--Dr. J. K. Reid
(Column 1)
Summary: Dr. J. K. Reid, formerly of Chambersburg, opened a dentist office in York.
(Names in announcement: Dr. J. K. Reid)
Local and Personal--Writing School
(Column 1)
Summary: Reports on the opening of P. Hamman's writing school in the Masonic Hall.
(Names in announcement: P. Hamman)
Local and Personal--Deceased
(Column 1)
Summary: Jacob Whetzel, 55, died from the injuries he suffered when a tree fell on him while he was cutting wood. Whetzel's health had declined precipitously following the amputation of his leg.
(Names in announcement: Jacob Whetzel)
Origin of Article: Village Record
Local and Personal--Accident
(Column 1)
Summary: H. Klipp, a local baker, suffered serious injuries when he fell while watering his horse. Baker sustained a broken nose when his horse kicked him in the face while he lay on the ground.
(Names in announcement: H. Klipp)
Local and Personal--Mad Dogs
(Column 1)
Summary: Mad dogs have appeared in unusually large numbers in portions of the county. In Greene and Letterkenny townships, for instance, several rabid canines have bitten other dogs and livestock belonging to farmers.
Local and Personal--The Fourth In Chambersburg
(Column 1)
Summary: Notes that a fight broke out between blacks and whites in front of Repository Hall on the Fourth of July.

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Description of Page: Page contains advertisements.