Valley Spirit: September 28, 1870Go To Page : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |
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The People are "Ignoramuses"
(Column 01)Summary: Accuses Cessna of lying to his constituents and forcing black suffrage on them. Claims he said people would have a chance to vote on the issue but now says anyone who thought that is an "ignoramus". Calls on voters to oust this deceiver.
Full Text of Article:That Bill for ServicesSo says John Cessna. In his speech in the Court House last week, he made the extraordinary statement that any person who expected to have the question of negro suffrage submitted to the people, was certainly an "ignoramus." To sustain this position he explained the provision of the Federal Constitution for its own amendment, claiming that the most ignorant man could see that any proposed amendment must be submitted to the State Legislatures or to conventions called by the people of the States, and that whenever three-fourths of either of these ratify it, it becomes a part of the Constitution. But the people of Franklin County know that this was not the position which the radical leaders, including Cessna, took two years ago. When the Democrats charged that it was the intention of the Radicals to force negro suffrage upon the people without allowing them to vote upon the question, these same Radicals denounced the charge as a lie gotten up for electioneering purposes. They pointed to the State Constitution and the election laws with the word white in them, and to the provisions of our State Constitution with reference to its amendment. They said it was utterly impossible to force negro suffrage upon the people because the State Constitution provides that two Legislatures must endorse the proposition and then it must be submitted to the people. Our readers will remember how distinctly the issue was made in 1868 when Capt. John Walker was the candidate of the Radical party in this County for the Assembly. He was elected, not alone on account of his high personal character, but because his neighbors and friends believed him to be inexorably opposed to the Fifteenth Amendment. He went to Harrisburg, and when it was discovered that the Radical leaders were about to cheat the people on this question--when the question of the ratification of the Fifteenth Amendment was being agitated at Harrisburg--from Metal township (Capt. Walker's own election district) went an earnest protest signed by many of his prominent brethren of the Radical party against its adoption. They began to see the infidelity of the men who had made cheap promises. But this protest could not hold Capt. Walker to his pledge. The party discipline was too rigid--the lash was applied with too much severity--for Capt. Walker to carry out the wishes of his constituents, he yielded to the influences brought to bear upon him and voted to ratify the Fifteenth Amendment.
So great was the indignation in his own party at this vote, that when the Radical County Convention met in 1869, it was deemed advisable to leave his name off the ticket. Captain Walker was not considered a safe candidate for the party because of his vote to ratify the Fifteenth Amendment.
And although an able and worthy gentleman was put in nomination by the Radical Convention, such was the indignation at Walker's betrayal of his constituents that the Democratic majority on the State ticket ran up to 308 and the majority for the Democratic candidate for Assembly exceeded that figure. The people resented the conduct of the Radical representative on this very question. Let them do it again.
It is in very bad taste for Cessna to come to Franklin County and talk about her people being "ignoramuses" for expecting an opportunity to vote on this question, when all their expectations were the result of Radical teachings.
Not only did the speakers of the party take this position, but the organ of the party, the Repository, sought to impress the same views upon its readers. As far back as 1865, Col. McClure endeavored to allay the apprehensions of the people on this subject by entering into an elaborate explanation of the provisions of the State Constitution. He was sagacious enough to see what would be proposed by the agitators of his party, and he knew that negro suffrage would not be palatable to the people of Franklin County. Accordingly, he sounded the first false notes and persuaded his readers that their right to vote upon this question could not be interfered with.
Now, Cessna says that the people were "ignoramuses" for believing Col. McClure--that they ought to have had sense enough to know that McClure was deceiving them.
Perhaps this position might be a good one, if Cessna had not committed himself in the same way. In his joint discussion with Judge Kimmell at Waynesboro', he took this same position, as those who were present will remember. He hooted at the idea of negro suffrage being forced upon the people without them having an opportunity to vote on the question. On the contrary, Judge Kimmell endeavored to warn the people that day of what was surely in store for them. He told them that the Radicals meant to give the negro the ballot by packing the State Legislatures. But Democrats were not believed then. This horde of loyal scoundrels who are robbing the government and the tax payers, possessed the confidence of a majority of the people of this Congressional District, and they elected this double faced individual who blows hot and cold in the same breath and thinks that the people of Franklin County are such "ignoramuses" as not to know the difference.
What say you, voters of Franklin County? Are your memories so shallow that you can not recollect the promises which Cessna made two years ago? He has betrayed you, and now seeks to make you believe that he never made any promises at all. Defeat him for his bare-faced falsehoods.
(Column 02)Summary: Criticizes the local Republican paper for supporting Cessna and appearing to back out on its previous support of the Border Claims. Gives examples of the paper's recent conduct and more of Cessna's devious dealings.
Full Text of Article:The Land GrabbersA fit of desperation has seized the Editor of the Repository. He hears from all quarters the terrible complaints which are coming up from the people against Cessna for his indifference to the interests of the people. Not only complaints greet his ear, but curses loud and deep. Thereupon, he becomes frenzied, for are not his hopes of a protracted term as Assistant Assessor hanging on Cessna's re-election? He resolves, therefore, that Cessna must be re-elected even if the hopes of the people for payment of losses must be completely wrecked in order to do it. Accordingly, he shows that Cessna went to Harrisburg and paid his own expenses (about one dollar and fifty cents for supper and lodging, his passes having carried him free over the railroads) in order to put Skinner on the Committee of Ways and Means. Five prominent gentlemen spoke to Speaker Strang in favor of Skinner's appointment and it seems to us that it was putting it a little strong under those circumstances for Cessna to say that he did the work himself. But Cessna never was suspected of having any modesty.
But failing to make a respectable defence for Cessna, the Editor of the Repository thinks it wise not only to belittle Mr. Meyers' services but also to impugn his motives in relation to the Border Claim bill. In the last issue of his paper he uses this language:
We say then that, in addition to the promise of support from the leaders of the Franklin county Democracy for his nomination for Congress, Mr. Meyers presented his bill to the Franklin County Border Damage Committee, for the services of the Patriot in urging the payment of the border damages, and demanded payment of it." The italics are his own. Now the Editor of the Repository willfully and deliberately misrepresented Mr. Meyers in this matter. He knew very well (at least, being a member of the Border Claim Committee, he ought to have known) that the bill rendered by the Patriot office was not for "the services" of that paper, but for copies of the Patriot furnished to the Committee. Here is the bill that was presented by the Patriot office:
HARRISBURG, May 12th, 1870.
1870. To Patriot, Dr.
Feb. 24. To 800 copies Weekly Patriot at 5 cts.....$40.00
And here is the letter which accompanied the bill:
HARRISBURG, PA., May 12, 1870.
Dear Sir: Enclosed find bill for copies of Weekly Patriot: said copies were ordered by Col. Stumbaugh, and contained an article on the "Border Claim Bill." It has been suggested that you were the proper person to send the bill to. We sent the bill to Col. Stumbaugh but suppose he has overlooked the matter. Col. Stumbaugh will certify to the bill, as to its correctness. Please give it the proper attention.
Yours very truly,
B.F. MEYERS & Col.,
To J.W. Douglas, Esq. per K.
This bill was sent to Mr. Douglas because that gentlemen is the Treasurer of the Border Claim Committee, and the suggestion referred to in the letter as to the proper person to whom the bill should be sent, was made by gentlemen who were members of that Committee.
Now it certainly was enough to ask the Patriot to give us the influence of its editorial columns gratis without expecting that office to furnish us 800 copies of the paper for nothing. The Editor of the Repository did excellent service with the pen in the same cause, and for this it does not expect pay, we presume. But for its job work done for the Committee, it has a bill in excess of that of the Patriot. For that it has been partly paid and will demand payment of the balance, and it deserves to be paid. The Spirit asks nothing for its editorial articles, for it was its duty to do its utmost to procure payment for the Border Claims if possible. But it has a bill for job work in excess of the bill presented by the Patriot. A portion of this bill has been paid, and we expect payment of the balance.
It seems to us that the Editor of the Repository has gotten himself into a very indefensible position by making this impudent and unfounded charge. His hot zeal for the little fellow who feeds him on Government "pap" has outrun his discretion.--When next he endeavors to get up a sensation, let him confine himself to the truth.
We can not wonder at his departure from the truth in this campaign, however, after that "whopper" which Cessna threw out at McConnellsburg the other evening. Cessna was accounting for his infamous conduct in favor of Wallace, in the case of Wallace vs. Simpson in South Carolina. He said that one of the chief reasons for his astounding action, was that on the day of the election nineteen hundred loyal men had been slaughtered at the polls. The news of this massacre was only furnished to John Cessna.
It looks as if the Editor of the Repository had slept in the same bed with Cessna.
(Column 03)Summary: The paper criticizes the Republican controlled Congress for giving large tracts of public land to corporations and railroads.The Brag Game
(Column 03)Summary: The paper ridicules Cessna for habitually overestimating his support in Franklin County. The small majority he enjoyed in the last election can be easily wiped out with a little effort. "The white men who have been deceived by his base deception and who have been grievously disappointed by his failure to keep his promises, can easily defeat this little political trickster."Not for Mahon
(Column 04)Summary: The paper asserts that their praise for Republican Thaddeus Mahon's work as Clerk of the Courts does not imply support for the political principles he represents. The editors endorse Capt. George W. Skinner in his race against Mahon for Assembly.Why Taxes are High--Radical Corruption and Extravagance--Government Expenditures Under Grant Compared with Democratic Administration
(Column 04)Summary: The paper argues that Republican administrations cost the tax payers significantly more money than Democratic ones.
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Democratic Meetings
(Column 01)Summary: Democrats and Conservatives will hold a meeting at Mercersburg on October 1st and in the Chambersburg Court House on October 10th.Meeting
(Column 01)Summary: The Democrats of Hamilton will meet at the Public House of Michael Gable to form a township ticket.[No Title]
(Names in announcement: Michael Gable)
(Column )Summary: Capt. George W. Skinner will take the place of Col. Pyfer who was scheduled to address the reunion of the 77th Pennsylvania Volunteers.[No Title]
(Names in announcement: Capt. George W. Skinner)
(Column 01)Summary: Everist Cathell will conduct services in the Episcopal Church.Fine Pictures
(Names in announcement: Everist Cathell)
(Column 01)Summary: H. R. Hershberger will exhibit several paintings at the Franklin County Fair. The following number among his subjects: Wyland's Mill on Dennis Creek, said to be the oldest in the county; the farmhouse of Frederick Mish on Back Creek in Hamilton; "A Scene in Bay's Cove;" "The Dragoon's Stampede;" and "Winter Scene."The County Fair
(Column 01)Summary: The Franklin County Agricultural Society will hold its third annual exhibition near Chambersburg beginning on October 5th. Entries can be made through the secretary, Calvin Gilbert. Single tickets are 25 cents.[No Title]
(Names in announcement: Calvin Gilbert)
(Column Club Organized)Summary: The Democrats of Metal township organized a political club.Census Reports
(Names in announcement: F. Noble, Dr. R. M. Alexander, W. S. McAllen, Samuel Noonan, Dr. Samuel W. Boyd, Michael R. Keggereis)
(Column 02)Summary: Provides census data for the North Ward and Hamilton. Includes statistics on agriculture, populations, and industry.
Full Text of Article:How Scarlet Fever is SpreadBy the census papers of Capt. E.D. Reid, Assistant Marshal for the North Ward of this Borough, and Hamilton township, we find the following statistics: In the North Ward, the number of white males is 1273, number of white females 1548, colored males 72, colored females 84. Whole number of males 1345, whole number of females 1632 making the population of the North Ward 2977. Deaths in this ward during the year from June 1st, 1869 to June 1st 1870, were 35. There are 47 houses of productive industry in the ward. The value of the real estate owned by the inhabitants is $2,257,909. Value of personal property is $1,757,445; total value of real and personal property, $4,015,354.
In Hamilton township we find the following: Number of acres of improved land 14,982, of wood-land 4259, total number of acres 18,241. The present cash value of farms is $958,605. The whole amount of wages paid in that township during the year, including the value of board, is $26,689. Number of horses, 650; mules 6; Milch cows 626; other cattle 598; Sheep 352; Swine 1123. Value of all livestock $108,114. Number of bushels of winter Wheat raised during the year is 35,466; of Rye 3216; of Indian corn 46,577; of Oats 38,769; of Barley 1769; of Buckwheat 115. Number of pounds of wool raised 417; bushels of Irish potatoes 9372; bushels of sweet potatoes 313; value of orchard products $2789; gallons of wine made 220; value of produce of market gardens $2662; pounds of butter made 55,995; tons of hay 3266; bushels of clover seed 946; gallons of molasses made 1578; pounds of honey 215; value of animals slaughtered, or sold for slaughter $22,227; estimated value of all farm production, including betterments and additions to stock $222,640.
The number of inhabitants in Hamilton township is 1635; dwelling houses 306; families 306; houses of productive industry 5; farms 173; number of deaths during the year 15.
(Column 02)Summary: Since Chambersburg has experienced a number of scarlet fever cases, the paper publishes an article about how it is spread. According to the author, "it is spread through personal carelessness, by neglect, and by recklessness of individuals to the public safety."Radical Meeting at Shady Grove
(Column 02)Summary: Prints a letter from an anonymous author describing a recent Republican gathering. Takes great offense at the Republican charges that Democrats are rebel sympathizers and despises Republican efforts to pass the 15th amendment. Urges all Conservatives to join the "White Man's Party" to defeat the Radicals.
Full Text of Article:Radical Meeting at UptonGREENCASTLE, September 24, 1870.
Messrs. Editors: The Radical meeting last night in Shady Grove, was attended by a considerable number of the neighbors without respect to party. Greencastle was also slightly represented. Curiosity no doubt led most of those present to the spot. The Greencastle band was in attendance and performed well. The Radical bills announce about two dozen meetings to be held at different places between this and the election by the party. These meetings are intended principally to drum in the "disaffected" of the party, as the speakers themselves last night called the "weakkneed" Republicans (another of their expressions) by diverting their minds as much as possible from the issue of their disaffection to other very interesting to the people, entire absence of any cheering, except called upon, evidently manifested at night, for even these calls were feebly responded to.
If the leaders of the party only persuade the rank and file the outrageous imposition of the amendment, they would hug the idea by victory this fall; but from some or other, they seem to be in great to how a large number of their fervent supporters are biting at the black such means as coaxing, or or appeals to the baser passions or false swearing, or bribery required to bring them under the they will all be brought into as some of them are now. The speech night resorted to the foulest slander to our account all kinds of with the rebellion. If there is, or any other foundation than the imaginations or the most malicious of Radical politicians for these insinuations against the whole Democratic party, every one would be perfect amazement at the success Radicals in conquering the rebellion. men appear to be unable to distinguish between an honest difference from their and sympathy for the rebels. hearted professions that the men the Democratic party are honest or is only another way of calling us ignorant, since they allow us no but "rebel sympathizers!" It would to call every Democrat a "rebel sympathizer." That would be too bare-faced. stabs at the Democratic masses the shoulders of our leaders, have answered to arouse the prejudices "weak-kneed" Republicans sufficient to overcome the many shortcomings of the party in the past as it is hoped their prejudices can in the same way be worked high that the unnameable meanness passage of the negro amendment itself be overlooked by them at the coming Many of these men say, and we, if the negro amendment had been a vote of the people of the States and by them, instead of being almost forced on us, the impropriety of measure at best could be endured with degree of patience, but as it is it will long time before the ring of the will cease to sound in Radical ears, no under what name they may be known hereafter. We call upon all Conservatives not to be deceived by the Radical leaders any longer. Try the "White Man's" party. Its leaders cannot deceive you more nor as much. OBSERVER.
(Column 03)Summary: Prints another letter from an anonymous source describing a Republican rally in Upton. Gleefully reports that more Democrats than Republicans attended and drowned out the speakers on several occasions. Says Republicans are disheartened by reversals in the past and certain defeat in the future.
Full Text of Article:DiedGREENCASTLE, Sept. 26, 1870.
Messrs. Editors:--We attended a meeting on Saturday night at Upton, of that party which inasmuch as it "saved the country" is so desirous of ruling it. It had been heralded forth for the past week that there was to be a grand rally of the loyal men on that occasion, and "Frank" Meyer's prospect for Congress was to be darkened terribly. Urgent appeals were sent out to individuals, but alas! loyalty was not forthcoming; and the meeting held there proved to be a burlesque on the Radical party. By an actual count there were but seventeen Republican voters there. Every other man was a Democrat. And yet this is the place that used to turn out its hundreds to a Republican meeting.
The orators were Fred Foreman, W. U. Brewer, Jere. Cook and John Stewart. We can pass by the speeches of Foreman and Brewer for they contained nothing; also the speech of Cook who spoke of the beauties of the income tax and, being a good mathematician, showed very conclusively (to himself) that there had been a reduction of expenditures during the Grant regime. But Stewart! Oh how loyal he was! He became so enraged at the audacity of Meyers for daring to run for Congress, that he imagined that he was in the army again "and thrice he fought his battles o'er and thrice he slew the slain." He declared that Meyers was a Copperhead, and at this juncture his voice was drowned by three hearty cheers for Meyers. Somewhat disconcerted he pounced on Skinner comparing him to Benedict Arnold and here again his voice was drowned by cheers for Skinner. He next proceeded to inform his seventeen voters that the political skies never looked brighter for the Radicals. But the seventeen were sad, for they thought of Connecticut, New York, North Carolina and Oregon. He said that no Republicans would leave the ranks on account of negro suffrage; and yet by his side, within four feet of him, stood a man who declared as for him and his sons they intended in the future as not in the past to vote the full Democratic ticket. And we can tell Mr. Stewart that if he is desirous of seeing more such men let him visit this community; find out the temper of those who have heretofore been identified with his party and he will go home a sadder and wiser man. In the meantime let them have another "grand rally" at Upton.
(Column 04)Summary: Casles A. Haefner, son of M. A. and Kate Haefner, died on September 24th.Died
(Names in announcement: Casles A. Haefner, M. A. Haefner, Kate Haefner)
(Column 04)Summary: John Shank died near Waynesboro on September 23rd. He was 67 years old.
(Names in announcement: John Shank)
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