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Valley Spirit: November 30, 1870

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Drive in the Wedge
(Column 01)
Summary: Comes out in favor of working with liberal Republicans to defeat the more Radical wing of the Republican party. Believes such tactics will splinter the Republicans and make Democratic victories certain in the long run.
Full Text of Article:

Certain Democratic journals of the State affect to be horrified at the idea suggested, that the Democrats of the House of Representatives should combine with the Radicals who are opposed to the gentleman who is likely to be the Radical caucus nominee for Treasurer, and thus elect an independent Radical to that position. In short, Mr. Mackey will be nominated by the Radical caucus as he was last year. Some of the Radical members of the House will most probably remain away from the caucus so that they may be left free to act as they please afterwards. These men will form a coalition with the Democrats to beat Mr. Mackey. Now, it is insisted in some quarters that the Democrats should hold a caucus, make a regular nomination, and, if these bolters desire to defeat Mr. Mackey, they can vote for the Democratic candidate. If they refuse to do this, then Democratic members are exhorted to stand firm and vote for nobody but their own caucus nominee.

We do not look at this matter in this light. We have not yet turned up our eyeballs, or held up our hands, in holy horror, at the suggestion to elect an independent Radical Treasurer. We would much prefer, of course, the election of a Democrat to that office. So would all Democrats. But, under the circumstances, this can not be reasonably expected. The Radicals have a majority in the House. If a Democrat were elected Treasurer, by the assistance of bolting Radicals, these bolting Radicals would be denounced as traitors to their party and the responsibility for the election of a Democrat would be cast upon their shoulders. They know this, and as they are not desirous of occupying such a position, or anxious to be driven virtually from their party, they will undoubtedly refuse to throw their votes to a Democrat.

But the Democrats are in a minority. They are not responsible for any legislation. Their party does not expect them to elect Democratic officers, because their inability to do so is universally known and recognized.

Here then is the position. A splendid opportunity is offered to drive the wedge into the Radical party. Each new dissension in the ranks of any organization undermines its strength. Disintegration is going on rapidly in "the party of great moral ideas." Its leaders are halting, doubting, puzzled, and the rank and file are wavering and deserting. The surest way to keep up the disintegrating process is to keep up the dissensions that exist. The bolting Radicals can not come to us for the reason which we have stated. But we can go to them. We believe in defeating Radicalism by the aid of any honorable combination that can be made. In 1860 when the Democratic party was split into factions and torn by dissensions, these same Radicals did not hesitate to nominate Democrats as their candidates for important positions, and thus they were successful. On the same principle, we would lay hold of a Radical for this Treasury nomination, and elect him to the utter mortification and discomfiture of the Radical leaders.

A thrill of ecstasy ran through the Conservative heart of the country at the brilliant triumph over Radicalism in Missouri. That triumph was secured by the Democrats endorsing the candidate of a bolting convention. It was a combination which exposed the utter weakness of the President. No man ever made a more bitter fight to sustain his administration than did Grant to procure the endorsement of the people of Missouri. The Democracy everywhere are jubilant over his failure.

The men all over the Union who are tired of the mismanagement of our financial affairs, are looking forward with joyous expectations to the proposed combination between the Democrats and the Revenue Reformers in the Forty-Second Congress. We are in favor of that combination. We do not think that it will be at all disgraceful to the Democrats, even if they help to elect a Revenue Reform Radical to occupy the Speaker's chair. It is the duty of the Democracy to keep sowing discord among their opponents. That is the sure way to win in the end.

It is said that the combination which elected Mr. Irwin did the Democratic party no good. Where is the warrant for this assertion? One thing is certain. The Radical majority is reduced in the Legislature, and the State has been carried by the Democrats at the recent election. We are certainly getting along better than we have been of late years. It seems to us that it would be policy to keep up the same style of skirmishing.

We are not at all punctilious about this matter. We would not stand upon the order, or the manner of beating our opponents. We wish to defeat them and defeat them honorably. There is clearly no dishonor in this mode of fighting and, for our part, we say, drive in the wedge and split the Radical party into fragments.

Thanks to the Soldiers
(Column 02)
Summary: Chastises Grant for using military force in peace time. Specifically is troubled by soldiers enforcing the 15th Amendment and the collection of taxes. Says military force should only be used in times of great peril, which has not occurred recently.
Full Text of Article:

It seems that the Grant Administration feels inclined to keep constantly before the people the doings of the military in a time of profound peace. There is an evident purpose to accustom the public mind to military interference in civil affairs so as to prepare the people for further encroachments without shocking their sensibilities. The act to enforce the Fifteenth Amendment, which authorizes the employment of troops at all the polls, outrages all republican notions and is in direct conflict with many of the State COnstitutions.

But a more recent occurrence is deserving of consideration by the people. A few days ago, the Commissioner of Internal Revenue expressed his thanks to a detachment of the regular army for the manner in which they had assisted the internal revenue officers to collect certain taxes. It is very questionable whether he would not have gained greater honor for himself by rebuking them for the assistance they rendered. Not that the taxes ought not to be collected. Not that the laws ought not to be enforced. We do not mean this by any means. But we do mean that the military power ought only to be called in on occasions of the greatest peril. President Grant ought to recollect that in this country the people are extremely jealous of the encroachments of the military power and that it ought not to be used against American citizens except when all other means fail. What were these special services which called for the thanks of the Commissioner? Has there been any extra ordinary heroism displayed? Have any astounding feats of valor been performed? Has the carnage been so great that these soldiers waded up to their knees in blood? Not at all. The country has heard of nothing of the kind. And yet special thanks are tendered to the soldiers for collecting taxes.

The conduct of this Administration is subversive of American liberty. The people may awake to the fact too late.

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[No Title]
(Column 01)
Summary: Five funerals were held for children in St. Thomas in the past week.
Fatal Railroad Accident
(Column 02)
Summary: Graphic account of a train striking a man lying on the tracks of the Franklin Railroad between Chambersburg and Hagerstown. The engineer, Jacob Fuller, made every effort to stop, but could not. A coroner's inquest held in Chambersburg determined the event an accident. The victim was a travelling tinker named Frederick Henry Wisthoft.
(Names in announcement: Jacob Fuller, H. B. Davidson, F. A. Zarman, M. W. Houser, Abram Huber, Charles Smith, John R. Gelwicks, J. B. Holtzworth, Frederick Henry Wisthoft)
Cumberland Valley Railroad
(Column 03)
Summary: Comments on the annual report of the Cumberland Valley Railroad. Generally, business looks good, with many projects planned to increase operations, especially in connection with iron mines. However, most of the projects haven't gotten off the ground yet, so work still needs to be done. Ends with praise for the operators of the railroad.
Full Text of Article:

We are in receipt of the thirty-sixth annual report of the Cumberland Valley Railroad Company. It is addressed to the stockholders, is for the year ending September 30, 1870, and shows a very healthy state of affairs. From the increase of the business of the road, it is not likely that the exchequer of the company will be exhausted for many years to come. Long life to it!

The South Mountain Iron Company is now sending its immense deposits of ore to market from at least eight mines which have been opened and the report says that the quantity to be shipped over the road during the coming year will be greatly increased.

It then refers to the road now being built by the Southern Pennsylvania Iron and Railroad Company "from a point about six miles south of Chambersburg to their iron mines near Loudon, a distance of 25 miles through the fertile lands of Franklin county." It then says: "These mines have been opened, and allord evidence of an inexhaustible quantity of good ore obtained at the cheapest cost of mining. To induce this company to prosecute their enterprise, your board agreed to loan them three hundred thousand dollars, upon a mortgage of their road and estate, and upon condition of a lease to our company of the road for one hundred years: thus virtually adding to our road a track of twenty-five miles, the cost of which will be about eight hundred thousand dollars. The work on this road is now about one-half done, and that company expect to finish it by the first of April, next. In the purchase of their lands, the erection of furnaces, the building of their road and other improvements, this company will have expended, perhaps, a million and a half of dollars, to pay for which will necessitate a large amount of business in transportation of iron ore, iron and coal, and greatly increase the tonnage upon our road; this, together with the freight of ore and iron from the South Mountain Road, has induced the board to hasten the laying of another track from Mechanicsburg to Bridgeport, a distance of about eight miles, and to increase the sidings at the latter point."

The grading of this second track between the points named will be finished during the present season. New sidings have been put in at Kingston and Hagerstown. A new passenger station house has been built at Bridgeport, and one at Hagerstown.

The company has purchased additional land at Bridgeport--a strip 60 feet wide and three-fourths of a mile long. Land has also been purchased for sidings at Hagerstown.

The report says that "the grading of the extension from Hagergstown to the Potomac at 'Powell's Bend' is about being completed" and the expenditure there has been $167,671.94. On the last day of the last session of the Legislature of Maryland, an act was passed which prevents the connection of this road with the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal. It is confidently expected that this act will be repealed during the coming session. On this account, the work on the extension has not been pushed.

The whole amount of extraordinary expenditures during the year is $200,359.65.

The President, it seems to us, does not regard with favor, for the present at least, the proposition to extend the double track west of Mechanicsburg. He says "it is questionable whether the further extension may not be dispensed with for the present," but that "it is a question which our experience in the next year will determine."

The report further says: "A company has been incorporated by the laws of West Virginia to build a road from the terminus of ours, at 'Powell's Bend,' via Martinsburg to the line of that State, and Virginia has incorporated a company to continue this improvement to Winchester, and thence into Luray Valley, looking to a further extension to points crossing the Manassas Gap and Chesapeake and Ohio Railroads, and indeed, communicating with the entire Southwest. Little or nothing has yet been accomplished in the execution of these projects, except the organization of the Martinsburg and Potomac Company, whose road embraces the line between the terminus of our road at "Powell's Bend," and the Virginia State line near Winchester. This company has been organized with the Hon. Chas. J. Faulkner at its head, a suficicient amount of stock subscribed, and the work will be let and commenced immediately. This will render necessary the erection of a bridge over the Potomac river at the present terminus of our road, having a span of eight hundred and forty feet. The river here is shallow, with an entire rock bottom.

In conclusion the President pays the following compliment to the Superintendent and master mechanic which the public with prominence were merited. We cannot close this report without speaking in the highest terms of respect of those who are employed in conducting our business. The burthen of the work devolves upon our General Superintendent, O. N. Dall, whose experience, and devotion to his business impel him to calm her, and skillfully grade, operations. A. S. Hunt, our master mechanic, served an apprenticeship in the shops, whose operations he now directs with so much satisfaction. But the best evidence of the value of the services of such men, is found in the of the quiet manner, and perfect system in which all the work is performed under their direction.

Teachers' Institute
(Column 04)
Summary: The Franklin County Teacher's Institute continued their convention. Resolutions of sorrow and respect were passed on behalf of the late T. M. Richards.
(Names in announcement: J. W. Coble, Prof. Raub, Prof. Kidd, W. H. Hockenberry, T. M. Richards, T. Enterline, Josiah Thomas, W. Rush Gillan, W. C. McClelland, P. M. Shoemaker, J. R. Gaff, Rev. I. N. Hays, Rev. O. H. Miller, Mentzer, M'Elwain, Zook, Stohler, Thomas, Wolfe, Sherman, Rev. Hays, Rev. Wightman, J. H. Shumaker, McGowan, Prof. W. C. McKeehan, Weagley)
(Column 05)
Summary: William Hanstine and Mary Rider, both of Waynesboro, were married on November 24th by the Rev. E. Stenzel.
(Names in announcement: William Hanstine, Mary Rider, Rev. E. Stenzel)
(Column 05)
Summary: Sophia Catharine Dice, daughter of Isaac and Fannie Dice, died near St. Thomas on November 25th. She was 10 years old.
(Names in announcement: Sophia Catharine Dice, Isaac Dice, Fannie Dice)
(Column 05)
Summary: Mary Eliza Detwiler died on November 11th near St. Thomas. She was 3 years old. Ida Kate Detwiler died on November 22nd. She was 1 year old. Both were daughters of Martin and Mary A. Detwiler.
(Names in announcement: Mary Eliza Detwiler, Ida Kate Detwiler, Martin Detwiler, Mary A. Detwiler)
(Column 05)
Summary: Lewis Detrich died in St. Thomas on November 23rd. He was 81 years old.
(Names in announcement: Lewis Detrich)
(Column 05)
Summary: Margaret Barnes died in Hamilton on November 26th. She was 24 years old.
(Names in announcement: Margaret Barnes)
(Column 05)
Summary: Mrs. Mary Croft died in Chambersburg on November 27th. She was 92 years old.
(Names in announcement: Mary Croft)

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