Valley Virginian: December 6, 1865Go To Page : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |
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[No Title]
(Column 07)Summary: A committee was appointed to encourage contribution to the "Lee Endowment" of Washington college. M. G. Harman passed resolutions directing that three ladies from each church congregation in August be appointed to solicit contributions to the fund. The ladies are further authorized to select from among themselves an Executive Committee of five members which will oversee the County Committees and ensure that donations reach the treasurer of Washington College. Bolivar Christian, Col. M. G. Harman, and James Bumgardner will oversee initial organizational efforts. Hugh W. Sheffey, Rev. T. L. Preston, Rev. J. A. Latane, Hon. A. H. H. Stuart, and General John Echols were commissioned to compose an address to the women of Augusta to encourage cooperation with the effort. John Kenney chaired the meeting with Powell Harrison serving as Secretary.Plan for the Development of the Industrial Resources of the South
(Names in announcement: M. G. Harman, Bolivar Christian, James Bumgardner, Hugh W. Sheffey, Rev. T. L. Preston, Rev. J. A. Latane, A. H. H. Stuart, John Echols, John Kenney, Powell Harrison, Archibald Kinney, Marshall Hanger)
(Column 07)Summary: This article from the Baltimore Gazette announces a plan to develop a joint stock company with a capital of $5,000,000, to be used to encourage southern industrial development. The money will be raised in Baltimore and other northern cities and loaned to southern planters and land owners. The loans will be secured by mortgages on property whose cash valuation is more than 50% over the amount loaned. Interest will be paid as usual, but in addition, planters will have to agree to consign their products to company agents who will then sell in cities such as Baltimore on very low commissions. In this way they will "compete with the commercial houses in every town along the seaboard who are now straining every nerve to draw to themselves the business of the South." The originators of the plan "entertain the belief that capital can be turned over ten times a year," and will yield stockholders a net profit of fifty percent. Once wealth is amassed, it will be "devoted to the development of the resources of the Southern States, to the improvement of navigation, and to furthering works of internal improvement. In a word, the association which in the beginning, is to be devoted simply to trade, is, as it gains strength and power, to perform all the functions of a grand credit mobilier."
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Our Town List
(Column 01)Summary: A. S. Dodamead is named as news carrier for the Valley Virginian.On a Raid
(Names in announcement: A. S. Dodamead)
(Column 01)Summary: John B. Williamson, "that gallant Confederate soldier," together with John W. Jenkins, will be going into the shoe business. "Though he went without shoes many a day, on a 'raid,' he can now supply all the demands of the Valley people."Valley Virginia Lands
(Names in announcement: John B. Williamson)
(Column 02)Summary: Echols, Bell, and Catlett are publishing a Real Estate Directory that will direct the "attention of capitalists and emigrants to the vast resources of the Valley."[No Title]
(Names in announcement: Echols, Bell, Catlett)
(Column 02)Summary: John B. Baldwin was elected Speaker of the Virginia House of Delegates, and Robert W. Burke, also of Augusta, Sergeant at Arms.Died
(Names in announcement: John B. Baldwin, Robert W. Burke)
(Column 05)Summary: George Koiner, "an old and esteemed citizen of this county," died at age 78 at his residence near Fishersville.Died
(Names in announcement: George Koiner)
(Column 05)Summary: Chapman Johnson died on November 28th at the Staunton residence of N. P. Catlett. He was 61 years old.Died
(Names in announcement: Chapman Johnson, N. P. Catlett)
(Column 05)Summary: On October 19th, Mrs. Elizabeth Beck died at the residence of Capt. Jacob Beck, near Deerfield, Augusta County after a brief illness. She was 87 years old.Died
(Names in announcement: Elizabeth Beck, Capt. Jacob Beck)
(Column 05)Summary: Mr. Samuel Bell Kerr, aged 63 years, died of erysipelas on November 9th.Died
(Names in announcement: Samuel Bell Kerr)
(Column 05)Summary: Leon Hirsh, son of Gabriel Hirsh of Staunton, died on December 2nd. He was 9 years old.A Tribute of Respect
(Names in announcement: Leon Hirsh, Gabriel Hirsh)
(Column 05)Summary: The members of the Staunton Bar passed resolutions of respect for the memory of the deceased Chapman Johnson. "In the death of Chapman Johnson this Bar has suffered the loss of an honorable man, a genial friend, and a practitioner of the profession distinguished for fairness, courtesy and exalted integrity. Society has lost a trustworthy, conservative honored citizen, often charged with public trusts of high responsibilities, the duties of which he fulfilled with ability and distinguished fidelity."
(Names in announcement: Chapman Johnson)
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[No Title]
(Column 01)Summary: The paper reports that there are 13 prisoners in the Augusta County jail.[No Title]
(Column 01)Summary: Over 200 guests stayed at the American Hotel last week.[No Title]
(Column 01)Summary: The Second National Bank of Staunton is planning to open in ten days.[No Title]
(Column 01)Summary: "Large quantities of salt" have been arriving on the Virginia Central Railroad in the past month.[No Title]
(Column 01)Summary: Price and Clifton have reopened Brandenburg's old stand where quick sales are made for small profits.[No Title]
(Names in announcement: Price, Clifton, Brandenburg)
(Column 01)Summary: E. W. Harman and Company are selling an assortment of furniture.[No Title]
(Names in announcement: E. W. Harman)
(Column 01)Summary: Mrs. Carrie Stevenson has received a new stock of millinery goods.[No Title]
(Names in announcement: Carrie Stevenson)
(Column 01)Summary: Mrs. Kate M. Kelly's received a new stock of bonnets.[No Title]
(Names in announcement: Kate M. Kelly)
(Column 01)Summary: Dr. James W. Miller, a veteran of the "foot cavalry" is opening a dental practice.[No Title]
(Names in announcement: Dr. James W. Miller)
(Column 01)Summary: The First National Bank bought the post office building from P. B. Hoge for $325,000 and is preparing to move in.[No Title]
(Names in announcement: P. B. Hoge)
(Column 01)Summary: C. N. Williams "who has made a reputation as a first class boot and shoe manufacturer has announced a reduction in prices.[No Title]
(Names in announcement: C. N. Williams)
(Column 01)Summary: W. L. "Poss" Johnson has a stock of Principe Cigars which he is selling across from the Virginia Hotel.[No Title]
(Names in announcement: W. L. Johnson)
(Column 01)Summary: The paper reports that a train ride from Staunton to Washington D. C. takes 8 hours, and to New York or Philadelphia, 24.[No Title]
(Column 01)Summary: S. M. Woodward and brothers carries a stock of groceries for farmers. "Joe Woodward is always ready to trade, on liberal terms, with his old friends."New Goods
(Names in announcement: S. M. Woodward, Joe Woodward)
(Column 01)Summary: Hoge, Mason and Co. are displaying a stock of new goods.[No Title]
(Names in announcement: Hoge, Mason)
(Column 01)Summary: Mr. George Koiner, a 78 year old War of 1812 veteran died on November 27th after being thrown from his horse.Dentistry
(Names in announcement: George Koiner)
(Column 01)Summary: Dr. William Chapman, "that old and well known professor of Dentistry," has resumed practice. "No man stands higher in his profession, and no one was kinder and more faithful in his duties, to our soldiers, during the war."[No Title]
(Names in announcement: Dr. William Chapman)
(Column 01)Summary: I.Witz and Bros bargain store "is still in full blast." John M. Carrol is among their "lot of gentlemanly clerks."[No Title]
(Names in announcement: I. Witz, John M. Carrol)
(Column 02)Summary: The direct U. S. land tax for Augusta County will be 27 cents on every 100 dollars.[No Title]
(Column 02)Summary: Darden and Brothers are carrying a line of boots and shoes. "They are pushing business men, and will soon be in their new store on August Street. Give them a call, and patronize as clever gentlemen as ever carried a musket in the "Foot Cavalry."[No Title]
(Names in announcement: Darden)
(Column 02)Summary: Coleman and Cogbill are "building up a first class eating and drinking saloon in Staunton." Tom Coleman is the "Charley Hunt" of Staunton, according to the editors.[No Title]
(Names in announcement: Tom Coleman, Cogbill)
(Column 02)Summary: The work of Superintendent Col. J. C. Covell is helping the Deaf, Dumb and Blind Institute recover from the war. "The number of students is rapidly increasing and it will soon be on its old footing of usefulness."Passing Away
(Names in announcement: Col. J. C. Covell)
(Column 02)Summary: The paper mourns the loss of "another of our old citizens" who has gone to that "bourne from which no traveler returns." "Chapman Johnson rests quietly among the graves of his kindred. Pure of heart, quiet and gentle in manner; brilliant in intellect, but too modest to push himself forward, he leaves a large circle of friends, 'who knew him but to love him' to mourn his loss."Gone into the Union
(Names in announcement: Chapman Johnson)
(Column 02)Summary: The paper jokes that "our marriage column shows that two gallant Confederates have, at last, gone into the Union." John Paul Scherer, Co. L, 5th Virginia Regiment, Stonewall Brigade, and Sergeant James Merican, McClanahan's Battery, have married. "We can wish them no brighter future and their fair brides no greater happiness, than that our gallant friends may do their duty at home as they did in the field."[No Title]
(Names in announcement: John Paul Scherer, James Merican)
(Column 02)Summary: The Reverends A. W. and William B. Evers, of the church of the United Brethren of Christ, have been leading a religious meeting at Long's Schoolhouse, Augusta County, for the last two weeks. "Large congregations have been in attendance, many persons have been seeking religion, and upwards of twenty have professed conversion and joined the church."[No Title]
(Names in announcement: A. W. Evers, William B. Evers)
(Column 02)Summary: Daily mail will now be delivered to all points between Staunton and Winchester. Mr. Trotter has been awarded the contract.County Court
(Names in announcement: Trotter)
(Column 02)Summary: The Augusta County Court met. Commonwealth vs Robert F. Craig, charged with a felony, will be tried in circuit court. Craig was jailed awaiting trial, and bail set at $7000. Thomas A. Bledsoe, William C. Eskridge, and H. M. Bell qualified as Notaries Public. James H. Callison and Samuel B. Finley qualified as road commissioners. John F. Smith, Sealer of Weights and Measures, reported to the court. M. W. D. Hogshead resigned as Justice of the Peace for District 3. An election will be held to fill the vacancy. Henry H. Peck, Robert G. Bickle, and Benjamin F. Points were appointed to a committee to audit claims against the county.
(Names in announcement: Robert F. Craig, Thomas A. Bledsoe, William C. Eskridge, H. M. Bell, James H. Callison, Samuel B. Finley, John F. Smith, M. W. D. Hogshead, Henry H. Peck, Robert G. Bickle, Benjamin F. Points)
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