Valley Virginian: April 4, 1866Go To Page : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |
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The President's Veto of the Civil Rights Bill on the 27th ult.
(Column 05)Summary: The paper prints the text of President Johnson's message upon the veto of the Civil Rights Bill.[No Title]
(Column 06)Summary: The paper reports that a correspondent of the New York Times estimates that no less than 12,000 Confederate dead, "whose bones for the most part lie bleaching above ground, the rains having washed away the thin layer of earth with which most were originally covered," remain unburied upon the battlefields of Shiloh and Corinth. In contrast, "the Federal dead were all neatly interred, in the usual way, with head and foot boards in every instance, and, in most cases, were enclosed with wooden pailings."
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The Latest News
(Column 01)Summary: The paper reports that "the negroes had a big procession in Richmond yesterday in honor of the evacuation by the Confederate Troops. U. S. soldiers were stationed along the streets and Artillery in readiness, to prevent any interference with this jubilation over our great humiliation. 'Such is life,' especially in these times."Another War
(Column 01)Summary: The paper reports that newspapers around the country are predicting the outbreak of a second civil war inaugurated by the radical Republicans if President Johnson refuses to enforce the Civil Rights Bill when it is passed over his veto. "As things stand, we can see no other solution of the question that now agitates the Country, unless somebody backs down."The Prospect Ahead--Our Duty
(Column 02)Summary: The paper publishes an editorial commenting upon the political situation. The country, the editors argue, is about to divide into radical and conservative factions with the future of the Union at stake. Since Southerners have "faithfully performed" all "obligations," they can only "stand idly by" while "cherished rights" are threatened. In the meantime all should help speed the return of prosperity to the South by building railroads.
Full Text of Article:The Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of Virginia, in relation to the Death of Grand Master, Wm. H. HarmanThe political cauldron still boils and bubbles in Washington and the North; the Radicals grow more bitter and unscrupulous every day, but Andrew Johnson stands firm in his support of true Constitutional principles. The country will soon divide into two great parties; one supporting the President and the Constitution and the other the Radicals and destruction. The election on Monday, in Connecticut, will have great weight, and strong hopes are entertained of a Conservative success. But of the future no man can predict, for the violence of the Radicals can [unclear] bloodshed and civil war at any moment if they are sustained by the people North.
We of the South having faithfully performed all of our obligations are forced to stand idly by, and see our cherished rights and interests bandied about by the most devilish set of men that ever disgraced a Country. We can do nothing but calmly wait the issue of the [unclear] [unclear] [unclear] [unclear] proposed to sustain Andrew Johnson and the Constitution. But there is no use to despond; now is not time to [section unclear]. The great work of restoring our [unclear] to its former position of active [?] participation; of taking care of our widows and orphans [section unclear].
And in this connection we [unclear] [unclear] the Convention that [unclear] the [unclear] [section unclear] and decided action. Whether the Convention is large or small, let it go to work with a determination never to give up, until the great Valley R. R., extending from the Potomac to Salem, is a fixed fact [section unclear] organize the company, and by [unclear] at the head of it capable and willing to do it that is, [unclear] try to accomplish [unclear] that is of more importance to us than all that [unclear] spite at Washington can be in an hundred years. The people of the Valley, men, women, and even children, are looking to your action with far more interest than they are to Washington. Then work. Let politics alone--devote every energy to your duties here and all will yet be well.
(Column 02)Summary: The paper prints the proceedings of the Masonic Lodge commemorating the death of Grand Master William H. Harman.
(Names in announcement: William H. Harman, Edward H. Lane, William P. Butler, James F. Patterson)Full Text of Article:An Incendiary ScoundrelWe perform a sad but grateful duty in publishing the proceedings of the Grand Lodge in reference to the death of this distinguished officer and noble gentleman. It will be read with interest by a community in which his loss has been so sadly felt. The resolutions and speeches in the Grand Lodge fully express the sentiments of admiration and affection felt for Wm. H. Harman, by all who knew him. A martyr in a noble cause, his memory will be revered and respected while manliness, rare integrity and whole souled generosity in man, is respected and honored.
Speech of the Most Worshipful Grand Master, Edward H. Lane.
Before concluding, I have a sad and painful duty to perform. The Angel of Death has again visited us. For the second time in the history of the Grand Lodge of Virginia, its head has been stricken down. Another pillar has been removed from the temple [unclear] earth, to be transported in [section unclear].
Resolved, That so much of the Grand Master's address that pertains to the death of Most Worshipful William H. Harman, be returned to a special committee of three.
Report of Special Committee of Death of Grand Master
The Special Committee [section unclear]
We are called upon to mourn the death of a beloved Brother. A bright luminary of our Mystic Temple has been extinguished; another link of the chain that binds us, man to man, has been broken.
For the second time in the history of the Grand Lodge of Virginia death has removed its head. Wm. H. Harman, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Virginia, is no more. He fell in battle, at Waynesboro, on the 2nd of March, 1865. With him we were wont to meet in this Hall, and take sweet counsel together. But he is gone; his voice is hushed in death.
During his Masonic life, he was personally identified with every thing which concerned the prosperity of Masonry in general; sparing neither time, labor nor expense, in extending its influence and usefulness.
In varied walks of life, few men at his age were identified with so much that calls forth the action of a warm and generous heart. In him all classes of society--but more especially the poor--found a true and trusty friend. And who is he among us that, by his death, has not lost a brother and a friend?
As a man, he was highly esteemed by all who knew him; popular as a citizen; a genial and warm-hearted companion; he enjoyed, in an eminent degree, the confidence of the community in which he was born and reared.
In his domestic relations, he was an affectionate husband, an indulgent father, and a kind master; and we fondly hoped that in his character of Mason, we would have long enjoyed his counsel; that he would glide gently down the declivity of life, majestic as some mighty river, and [would?] very late, at a good old age, sink into the [unclear] of Eternity! But alas! our hopes are disappointed; he was stricken down at a time which we regarded as the [unclear] of his [unclear], and the height of his [unclear].
Thus has [unclear] Staunton Lodge, No. 13, the lodge of his affection, and his lodge of affiliation. Thus speak the [unclear] friends and neighbors of our illustrious brother, and [unclear] Grand Master. [section unclear--includes resolutions of mourning].
Wm. P. Butler
James F. Patterson[section unclear]
(Column 05)Summary: The paper reprints an alleged conversation in which a "despicable" radical white man attempts to encourage a "respectable" black man to celebrate the anniversary of the Confederate withdrawal from Richmond. "What is to be thought of so vile a monster? What adequate words are there to picture the total depravity of the infamous wretch who could so express himself to a negro? endeavoring to incite him to insulting jubilations over all the respectable body of this community," the article asks.
Full Text of Article:Under this head the Examiner of last Saturday, gives the following conversation between Charles H. Lewis and a respectable colored Barber of Richmond. It says:
Thursday afternoon last, at about the hour of 5, there occurred, in presence of a most respectable gentleman of this city, the following conversation between a dirty white man named Charles H. Lewis, ex-Secretary of the Commonwealth of Virginia, and a decent colored barber in the "Shaving Emporium" under the Exchange Hotel.
Despicable White-- "And so you colored people intend to celebrate the 3d of April, in spite of the damned secessionists?"
Respectable Negro-- "I've nothing to do with it, sir; but I believe the colored folks think of something of the sort. I see no use in it; it can't do any good."
Despicable White-- "No use! It will show these infernal rebels that they are down, and that you know it, and that you intend to keep them down. Gen. Grant has rejoiced over them--why shouldn't you?"
Respectable Negro-- "I wish to do nothing of the kind. I have no such feelings."
Despicable White-- "Ah, but you should have. You and every other colored person in the city should join in the proceedings, and use every effort to make them as humiliating as possible to these insolent traitors."
Respectable Negro-- "I don't think so, sir, and I mean to keep away."
Despicable White-- "That is cowardly. These damn secessionists have been whipped, but not half enough. By--, half of them need to have their cursed necks broken. I want to see them crushed into the dust and the negroes triumphing over them. You have got them now where you can manage them if you choose, and I want to see you do it.
Thus spoke, substantially, that miserable scoundrel, Charles H. Lewis, ex-Secretary of the Commonwealth of Virginia, as we are prepared to prove by the affidavit of a most respectable gentleman. What is to be thought of so vile a monster? What adequate words are there to picture the total depravity of the infamous wretch who could so express himself to a negro? endeavoring to incite him to insulting jubilations over all the respectable body of this community. Oh, it is a damning outrage. When the negroes are thinking only of attending to their daily business in peace and quietness, here are the devils who squat toad-like at their ears to tempt them into sedition and violence. Here are your authors of the Third of April celebration!
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[No Title]
(Column 01)Summary: The paper reports that "Capt. Jed Hotchkiss is preparing to plant a large vineyard, on Dr. Marrilatt's old place" east of Staunton.[No Title]
(Names in announcement: Capt. Jed Hotchkiss, Dr. Marrilatt)
(Column 01)Summary: The paper announces that Charles C. Turner is collecting money for the Staunton Soldier's Cemetery. The editors encourage readers to "subscribe liberally."[No Title]
(Names in announcement: Charles C. Turner)
(Column 01)Summary: The paper reports that the boiler of D. H. Furror's steam saw mill, near Variety Springs, exploded, "killing a white man and a negro."Coal
(Names in announcement: D. H. Furror)
(Column 01)Summary: The paper reports that a "specimen of coal" of the finest quality was discovered near Variety Springs.[No Title]
(Column 01)Summary: The paper reports that Isaac Cheaney, "the negro who brutally murdered a family near the Natural Bridge," was sentenced to be hung in Richmond. He is currently confined in the Staunton jail.[No Title]
(Names in announcement: Isaac Cheaney)
(Column 01)Summary: The paper reports a rumor that an oil expert discovered signs of oil in a Spring near Staunton but won't disclose the location to anyone.Corporation Election
(Column 01)Summary: The paper reports that elections for Mayor, Town Sergeant, and Councilmen are being held today. "There has been no great interest manifested in it so far" in part because the "old officers are generally candidates for re-election and we suppose will be successful." The paper urges voters to "remember the men who stood by the town during the whole war, while others deserted it to join the Confederate army, and don't forget them in times of peace--'especially some.'"Officers of the Fire Company
(Column 01)Summary: The paper announces the results of elections held at the meeting of the Augusta Fire Company: James H. Waters, Captain; William H. Wilson, Lieut.; George P. Sherer, 1st Engineer; J. B. Sherer, Jr., 2d Engineer; William Fretwell, 3d Engineer; John Beck, 4th Engineer; J. M. Hardy, 1st House Director; J. Smith, 2d House Director; P. H. Trout, Secretary; T. D. Woodward, Treasurer; James Johnson, Engine Keeper. The paper states that the number of active members is about 80.Cave Hill
(Names in announcement: James A. Waters, William H. Wilson, George P. Sherer, J. B. ShererJr., William Fretwell, John Beck, J. M. Hardy, J. Smith, P. H. Trout, T. D. Woodward, James Johnson)
(Column 02)Summary: The paper reports that Fred Scheffer ploughed up Cave Hill with the intention of planting a vineyard. He also plans to establish a brewery on the hill and use the cave for a cellar. The editors state that it is the first time in 80 years that the hill has been plowed.The Convention
(Names in announcement: Fred Scheffer)
(Column 02)Summary: The paper reports that the Committee of arrangements secured the Court House for the meeting of the Valley Railroad Convention. Seats for the ladies are reserved in the gallery.Churchville Oil Company
(Column 02)Summary: The paper announces that the Churchville Oil Company will hold a meeting on April 7th. All stockholders are urged to attend.Fire
(Column 02)Summary: The paper reports that the town fire company responded to a call "with the usual promptness" and succeeded in putting out fires in the chimneys of Charles E. Wood's store and J. B. Evans'.A Distressing Accident
(Names in announcement: Charles E. Wood, J. B. Evans)
(Column 02)Summary: The paper reports that Lucy Baskins, daughter of Samuel C. Baskins, died from burns received when her clothing caught on fire after trying to kindle the kitchen stove. Mr. Baskins also received burns on his hands and face while trying to extinguish the flames, but is recovering. "The sympathy of the community was shown by the number that attended the child's funeral Sunday evening."The Augusta Soldiers' Cemetery
(Names in announcement: Lucy Baskins, Samuel C. Baskins)
(Column 02)Summary: The paper reports that the ladies of Staunton have formed a Cemetery Association. They plan to gather all the Confederate dead buried in the county and relocate them to the Soldiers' Cemetery. The paper applauds the plan, and encourages citizens to help out. Any communications can go through Mrs. Robert Cowan of Staunton.
(Names in announcement: Cowan)Full Text of Article:Miscegenation in StauntonThe appeals of the Virginian have not been in vain, for our [unclear] ladies are proving in this matter. An Association has been formed, and the [unclear] the head of it, were never known to [unclear] work until it is completed, it is proposed to gather together all the Augusta dead, as well as all Confederates buried in the county, and bury them in the Soldier's Cemetery. Soldiers from every state in the South are now buried here, and their friends should aid in this patriotic work. Ladies through out the county are earnestly requested to organize associations and collect money and information. Communications should be made to Mrs. Robert Cowan, Staunton. Let us pay a merited tribute to those who died heroes, and let every one go to work with a will in this noble cause. It is all that is left us. Surely old Augusta will respond liberally for such an object.
(Column 02)Summary: The paper expresses outrage at the fact that John Scott, a white teacher at the Freedman's School, was seen escorting an African American woman down the street. The paper reports that many people "hissed" upon seeing the couple, and the editors call for the discharge of the offending teacher.
(Names in announcement: John Scott)Full Text of Article:An Appeal to BaltimoreSunday morning our citizens were shocked and disgusted by an exhibition one John Scott, from Waterbury, Conn., a teacher in the Freedmen's School, made of himself, by escorting a negro girl down New Street. On coming down the street white persons "hissed" this creature, Scott; soon afterwards, the girl came back by herself, and the coloured people, collected on Crawford's corner, "hissed" her. She had evidently disgraced herself in their eyes, by associating with this fellow, and we agree with them. We saw a notice, the other day, of the arrest of an officer for the same offence, in Petersburg, and we call the attention of those in authority to the disgraceful conduct of this man Scott. The Superintendent of the Freedman's Bureau owes it to himself; to the ladies who teach in the School, as well as to this community, to discharge this disciple of Miscegenation at once. If he wants to marry the negro, let him do so, if he is willing; and speedily emigrate to Liberia or some congenial clime, where, to his heart's content, he can dwell in the sweet embrace of the "negro de l' Afrique." He don't suit this country.
(Column 03)Summary: The paper announces that William H. Gorman, who lost a leg in Confederate service, is planning to collect money in Baltimore for the aid of the Ladies Augusta Soldier's Cemetery Association. "Numbers of gallant soldiers from Maryland are buried in Augusta and we know Baltimore will contribute liberally to this benevolent object."Marriages
(Names in announcement: William H. Gorman)
(Column 03)Summary: William H. Gorman, of Baltimore, and Miss Julia Collins, of Staunton, were married on April 4th by the Rev. Father Bixio.Deaths
(Names in announcement: William H. Gorman, Julia Collins, Rev. Father Bixio)
(Column 03)Summary: Mr. A. W. Smith, of Charlotte County Virginia, and a "gallant member of the Staunton Artillery," died of consumption at the Staunton residence of P. B. Graves on March 23rd.Deaths
(Names in announcement: A. W. Smith, P. B. Graves)
(Column 03)Summary: John Kearney, of Roscommon County, Ireland, died in Augusta County on March 29th. "Industrious, sober, and honest, he goes down to the grave respected by all who knew him."
(Names in announcement: John Kearney)
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Asylum For the Deaf, Dumb and Blind, At Staunton
(Column 01)Summary: The paper reprints a notice from the Lynchburg Republican stating that Staunton's Institution has been reorganized since the end of the war, "under a new Board of Visitors, and with a full and efficient corps of Instructors, and is now once more successfully prosecuting its useful and benevolent work." It had remained relatively untouched by war until the raid of General Philip Sheridan left it destitute. "That officer seized the provisions of the Institution, and great privation was suffered in consequence, it being impossible for the Principal, Mr. J. C. Covell, with energetic and untiring exertions, to secure more than food enough to satisfy the most frugal living."
(Names in announcement: J. C. Covell)