Valley Virginian: November 4, 1868Go To Page : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |
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The Confederate Dead
(Column 07)Summary: This article eulogizes the Confederate dead in typical fashion. The author tries his hand at lyrical language to illustrate the character of the glorious Confederate soldier. Although their efforts ultimately failed, this is no reflection on the soldiers themselves. Cemeteries should be monuments designed to instill in the hearts of future generations the sacrifice these men made for "Liberty."
Full Text of Article:By Wm. Archer Cooke
Our exchanges inform us of a movement extensive with the area of the late Confederate States, to provide Cemeteries suitable to the Confederate Dead.
The very term Confederate dead, has an eloquence which reaches the heart. It does not embrace those who lived, while they lived, on pelf, and died of rottenness in comfortable chambers far away from the roar of artillery and the rattle of musketry, where men laid down and died with the life blood flowing from them. No, the Confederate dead, means those brave, honest patriots who for country bared their breast to the storms of war; for liberty died under the flag of their native land; or with sickened body and mutilated limb perished in the hospital. These are our Confederate dead, who sealed their love of principle with a death-bed scene that will forever stamp their names on the roll of honor.
They are in character
"Majestic men, whose deeds have dazzled faith."Of each may it be said
"With his back to the field, and his feet to the foe. And leaving in battle no blood on his name; Look proudly to heaven from the death bed of fame.Bury our Confederate dead in beautiful cemeteries. Let the chisel of the artist, the cunning of the artisan decorate their graves, let the innocent warble of the forest songster be heard in the willow that weeps above the monumental stone. Let woman come with her plastic hand, and pure Christian heart and plant fresh flowers around the last resting place of Liberty's martyrs. Here the sweet young wife may gather at early morn and dewy eve, and, as she mingles her tears of devotion with the dripping of the flower, she can tell her orphan child how a noble father fell. Here the aged matron and feeble sire may totter around the heaving earth that holds the remains of the only stay and prop of their declining years.
Does any one ask?
"Can storied urn or animated bust
Back to its mansion call the fleeting breath?
Can honor's voice provoke the silent dust,
Or flattery soothe the dull, cold ear of death?Alas! no; but the gratitude of a people for a soldier band of such worth and character and honor as "our Confederate dead," should be perpetuated in history, on the canvass, upon the breathing marble. The "cities of the dead" should receive the embellishment of art and cultivation of taste, and, above all, let the rising generation see and feel that though unsuccessful against mighty armies, yet their names are to memory ever dear, and those who are now younger brothers, or little orphan boys may see that brothers and fathers, though sleeping beneath the sod, are still remembered by a grateful people.
Nor is it an empty honor, we do justice to our own appreciation of all that is excellent; we erect a shrine where genius and worth may offer their devotion, we open a school where the ardent young mind may cultivate an undying admiration not for the glare of military tinsel, but for high-toned chivalric honor--for unshrinking valor.
Embellish these hallowed spots; engrave upon marble and upon granite your gratitude and your appreciation for moral worth; you are reenacting the history of classic Greece and Rome; you are adding another tune to the melody of song--additional fire to the blaze of eloquence, a fresh stream of devotion to the stream of Liberty.
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The Election
(Column 01)Summary: This article features voting results from various points around the country indicating Grant will carry the presidential election. Also, there are other bits of related information concerning African Americans at polling places, ensuing violence and deaths of both blacks and police.
Full Text of Article:Economy and WorkThe very latest telegraphic news indicates a large majority of the electoral votes for Grant. We do not like this, neither did we like the surrender of Lee's army and the upturning of the Confederacy, but survived the one and hope we shall the other. We can best make the best of things as they are, and hope for better days.
We are indebted to the Vindicator for the following:
Richmond, November 3rd, 4. 10 P.M.--Telegrams up to 3 P.M. say the Election is progressing quietly in New York and Philadelphia. Doubtful if Grant will carry latter city.
In Savannah, Ga. Negroes took possession of the polls this morning and a fight commenced. Five negroes were killed and four policemen shot. Negroes resisted police desperately.
Richmond Va., Nov 4th 8 A.M.--New York (by 3000) Maryland, Kentucky, North Carolina, Georgia and Louisiana go for Seymour, and Grant gets all the rest.
New Jersey elects a Democratic Governor
There was more fighting in Savannah last night. A son of judge Law was killed.
(Column 02)Summary: In this article that first appeared in the Danville Times, the author chastises white people who live beyond their means. He argues that it is impossible to live the lifestyles that existed while slavery functioned as the primary source of hard work. Now that slavery no longer exists, and whites who were formerly wealthy now live in poverty, they need to give up extravagant pleasure such as cigars, wines, and silks, and begin to work for themselves at honest labor. This is of utmost importance for it will set an example for future generations as well as benefit the whole country.
Full Text of Article:The Stay Law Not to be ExtendedThe following well written article is from the Danville Times: "A great many of our people have not yet realized the fact that they are poor. They live as they used to live, in the days of their prosperity, when they had land and negroes. To save their lives, they can't come down to their circumstances. They spend more than they make. They won't work--there's the rub. They will not work--a great many of them. They are still trying to live upon the sweat of the negroe's brow. No matter how a man or a woman were raised, no matter how luxuriously they were brought up, when they have lost their means, it becomes them to come right square down to their circumstances; the husband should quit his cigars and fine wines, and the wife should take off her silks. The habits of the whole household should be changed. It is very hard, but ought to be done, at once. It is the greatest folly to be spending what little is left in trying to keep up appearances. To our view, it does not look well to see a woman or man swelling, whose debts are unpaid. He appears so much better, living economically and striving, by honest work, to pay his debts and lay up something for his family.
Economy and plain living ought to be encouraged, and extravagances discouraged, in the South. It is very hard for individuals to go differently from all their associates, and there is not one in a hundred, who has the moral courage to do it. Therefore, we say, plain living and hard work, should be encouraged, so that the whole community may untie in the same habits. Strange to say, the example frequently has to be set by the rich--so prone are a great many poor persons to run after and imitate the manner of living of their more wealthy neighbors.
The Southern people are the poorest people on the earth, let them realize the fact. Let them take pride in living plainly, and in working to build up again. If they will do this, their children may be of more account than they ever would have been, brought up under the old regime.
A white boy now ought not to know what a little negro was made for. He ought to wait on himself of course--bring his own water, clean his own shoes, and wait on his parents, when not at school. The females of the households in this country now, ought to clean up their own rooms, make their own dresses, and study the art of cooking, notwithstanding they have been raised as tenderly as a hot house plant. We know that these are unpalatable truths, and some will object to being told what they ought to do, or to being reminded how poor they are, but nevertheless it ought to be done.
Our people must live plainer and work harder, or else the whole country will never prosper.
(Column 02)Summary: The paper reports that General Stoneman is rumored to be planning to not extend the stay law preventing collection of debts.
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[No Title]
(Column 01)Summary: The Rev. F. H. Bowman of Augusta Church has been relieved by the Lexington Presbytery and sent to the Memphis Presbytery.Valley Railroad Meeting
(Names in announcement: Rev. F. H. Bowman)
(Column 01)Summary: A meeting of citizens will be held in the Court House to discuss the Valley Railroad. Judge Sheffey, Gen. Echols, and Col. M. G. Harman will deliver addresses.Our Fair
(Names in announcement: Judge Sheffey, Gen. Echols, Col. M. G. Harman)
(Column 01)Summary: Maj. Hotchkiss, Secretary of the Augusta Fair, announces that more than $10,000 in cash gifts and subscriptions have been received during the last week.[No Title]
(Names in announcement: Maj. Hotchkiss)
(Column 02)Summary: James Payne of the African Baptist Church issues a note of thanks to the Baptist Church of Staunton for allowing use of their basement for a lecture by the Rev. J. W. Barnell on the "Physical, Moral and Religious Condition of Africa."Gratifying
(Names in announcement: James Payne, Rev. J. W. Barnell)
(Column 02)Summary: The ladies of the Episcopal Church raised between $400 and $500 from their refreshment tables at the fair. The Ladies' Memorial Association raised $400.Staunton
(Column 02)Summary: This brief call for increased building illustrates the growth of Staunton. The author suggests the creation of a joint stock company to provide the necessary building funds to accommodate a rapidly growing population.
Full Text of Article:Valley RailroadThe Valley Virginian cries for more room , as follows:
"We want at least forty new stores and one hundred new dwelling houses in Staunton to supply the demand. Why not establish a joint stock company to build up the town fast enough to accommodate settlers?"
This indicates the great prosperity of Staunton--a prosperity in which all will rejoice, in view of the energy, hospitality, and devotion to Southern right exhibited by Stauntonians.--Winchester Times.
(Column 02)Summary: This article announces an election that will determine whether or not the Court shall subscribe an allotment of money to invest in the Valley Railroad. The proposed investment is $300,000.
Full Text of Article:Circuit CourtThe County Court has ordered an election to be held on Saturday, Dec. 6th, to take the views of the people of the county as to whether the Court shall subscribe $300,000 to the stock of the Valley Railroad Company, payable in 6 per cent. bonds at the discretion of the Court within twenty years, interest semiannually. The election to be under the same officers who acted at the election on the 27th of July last. The President of the Company is satisfied that if $1,000,000 along the road is subscribed, that the work can be put under contract early next year.
(Column 02)Summary: Proceedings of the Circuit Court.
(Names in announcement: Judge H. W. Sheffey, A. H. H. Stuart, James Bumgardner, M. G. Harman, Gen. Echols, Col. B. Christian, Col. George Baylor)Full Text of Article:Augusta County FairThis Court met on Monday and the attendance is large. Judge Sheffey is at his post, and work will be done, rest assured.
During a recess on Monday a Valley Railroad meeting took place. Hon. A. H. H. Stuart presided, with Capt. James Bumgardner as Secretary.
The meeting was addressed by Col. M. G. Harman, Judge H. W. Sheffey and Gen. Echols.
The following resolution offered by General Echols was adopted:
Resolved, That, in the opinion of this meeting it is expedient and proper that the county of Augusta shall subscribe the sum of $300,000 to the stock of the Valley Railroad.
Col. Christian moved that a committee be appointed for the purpose of making arrangements for canvassing the country, which was adopted.
The chair appointed the following as the members of that Committee:
Col. B. Christian, Col. M. G. Harman, Gen. John Echols, Col. George Baylor, and Capt. Jas. Bumgardner.
(Column 02)Summary: The Executive Committee of the Augusta County Fair congratulate the county on the "great success" of its first fair. They state the intention of raising more money to improve the fair grounds, and urge subscribers to find new members and advance payment of their bonds. The corporation intends to borrow more money in anticipation of collections, but state interest payments will be made promptly. They also thank William A. Pratt for his services and hard work.Marriages
(Names in announcement: William A. Pratt, John Baldwin, E. W. Bailey, W. A. Burke)
(Column 03)Summary: Capt. Peter E. Wilson and Miss Margaret J. B. Eidson of Augusta were married near Staunton on October 22nd by the Rev. William E. Baker.Marriages
(Names in announcement: Capt. Peter E. Wilson, Margaret J. B. Eidson, Rev. William E. Baker)
(Column 03)Summary: Anderson Hutchens and Miss Rebecca S. Hill, both of Augusta, were married on October 27th by the Rev. J. M. Shreckhise.Marriages
(Names in announcement: Anderson Hutchens, Rebecca S. Hill, Rev. J. M. Shreckhise)
(Column 03)Summary: James J. Hedrick of Jefferson County, West Virginia, and Miss Susan A. Whitmer of Augusta, were married near Parnassus on October 27th by the Rev. A. A. P. Neel.Marriages
(Names in announcement: James J. Hedrick, Susan A. Whitmer, Rev. A. A. P. Neel)
(Column 03)Summary: John W. Gilkeson and Miss Letitia M. Tate, both of Augusta, were married at Greenville on October 20th by the Rev. James Murray.Deaths
(Names in announcement: John W. Gilkeson, Letitia M. Tate, Rev. James Murray)
(Column 03)Summary: Mrs. Margaret Wheeler, wife of Joel Wheeler, died near Waynesboro on October 6th. She was 38 years old.
(Names in announcement: Margaret Wheeler, Joel Wheeler)
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